Just a scare by some seconds

Photographies: Juantxo Erce

Mercaderes corner has always been a key spot along the course of the Sanfermin Running of the Bulls. That is, until 2013, when it was decided that the pavement here should be given a coating of anti-slipping liquid to prevent the regular slipping and sliding that occurred to the bulls at this corner. It used to provide some very spectacular slip-ups at times but it also increased the danger as the bulls that fell down often become detached from the pack and ran loose. So, since this anti-slip liquid has been applied, the drama is somewhat more muted but, from time to time, there are still some scary moments to be seen here.

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The bull ring entrance was pure hell

Photographies: Jorge Nagore

What was being a relaxing and easy going bull running of today, abruptly turned sour just at the very end, when the bulls began to enter the bull ring. Here, in the passageway leading to the arena, the moments of greatest danger and anxiety took place when two runners were seriously gored- one to the neck and another to his armpit.

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Waiting for the bombshell since 4.30 in the morning

Photographer Mikel Lasa has always been attracted by the corner of Mercaderes with Estafeta Street, very close to one of the Kukuxumusu stores, but he never seemed to be able to arrive there on time.

By 5.30 a.m. all the places there seemed to have been taken. So, most of the time, he had to do with getting a place on the opposite corner. With the passing of the years, he became more organized and he began arriving at his pet ‘spot’ at 4:30 a.m. or even earlier, equipped with his anti-sciatic foldable chair.

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Run over by a bull in Mercaderes

Photographies: Miguel Goñi

The loose José Escolar bull left a trail of bruised, contused and injured runners behind it as it ran alone over the course in today’s third Running of the Bull event. Perhaps the worst blow was suffered by a young Japanese man who was gored in the thorax on the Santo Domingo stretch, but another man also suffered some serious injury when he was knocked down and run over by the same bull at the Mercaderes stretch of the course.

Half-way along Mercaderes street, a runner was racing along the center of the street.  The Escolar bull came steaming up behind at a very fast pace and gave the runner a hard blow to his back which knocked him to the ground. Although he did not suffer a goring, the violence of the blow injured the runner to such an extent that he had to be taken off to the hospital. Once there, he was diagnosed with a severely bruised thorax and the runner has been kept in hospital where his condition is stable.

The injured Runner was pulled from the fence

The seriously-injured runner who suffered a goring at the Santo Domingo stretch during this third Running of the Bulls of Sanfermin 2016 was not, in fact, taking a direct part in the event when he was charged and tossed by the bull. In fact he was at the fence along with some other friends and they tried to find refuge there when the José Escolar bull charged into them and tossed the young runner into the middle of the course.

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Dreams that become memories

Loving your work can become an addiction and losing it could become a tragedy. One clear example is the case of Natalia Gómez, a photographer with Sanfermin.com who, in 2015,  was able to demonstrate to herself “that your dreams can turn into reality” when she began to take photos of the Pamplona Running of the Bulls  with her camera in hand at one of the most dangerous spots along the course –  the entrance leading into the bullring. “Taking photos of the Running of the Bulls from the fencing is the most adrenalin-pumping thing I have ever done. It combines a love for the event with a love for photography which all comes with the added buzz of adrenalin that is almost too much to go through “, affirms Natalia.

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Fotos de las cornadas en todos los tramos del segundo encierro de Sanfermin 2016 con Cebada Gago.

Gorings on all the stretches of the course

Photography: Pablo Lasaosa

Rarely have there ever been similar events as those that were produced in today’s second Runnning of the Bulls of Sanfermin 2016. Gorings took place along each stretch of the course, starting at the opening stretch of Santo Domingo and all the way to the bull ring, passing through City Hall square, Mercaderes, Estafeta and the Telefónica stretch.

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Fotos del segundo encierro de Sanfermin 2016

Dramatic images from an awesome Running

Photography: Pablo Lasaosa

Bulls that were loose and separated, bulls that were falling down and running in opposite directions, bulls that were charging at runners all along the course. Runners who could not control the count of the loose bulls and who did not know from what side the bulls were coming from and if some had already passed by or not. Runners who suffered a goring on practically each stretch of the course. In short, a running of the bulls that will be long remembered for the crazy and weird turnabouts of many moments of this morning’s run.

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Corredor de Pamplona cogido en el tramo de Santo Domingo en el segundo encierro de Cebada Gago.

A Veteran runner is gored in Santo Domingo

Photography: Javier Campos

The first goring of this very dangerous second Running of the Bulls of Sanfermin 2016 happened almost as soon as the bulls came out of the pens. One of the bulls bringing up the rear of the pack swung its head to the right and found the leg of one of the veteran runners who always runs from this stretch of the course. He has always been easy to pick out in the crowd because of the green necktie that he wears.

The goring was done in an instant and the bull continues its course without paying any further attention to the victim. Meanwhile the injured runner was taken off to hospital for treatment along with the other runners who received gorings in this morning’s bullrun.

Pamplonés corneado en Santo Domingo en el segundo encierro de Sanfermin 2016.
Photography: Javier Campos

