July 9th. Cebada Gago

Primera vez que la ganadería más peligrosa corre un domingo, el día en el que más corredores del encierro se registran. Los datos nos dicen que los toros serán igual de peligrosos, pero que correr en domingo no aumenta el peligro que de por sí ya tienen


A Cebaga Gago bullfight had never run on a Sunday. The running of the bulls on Sunday have some special characteristics because the stereotypes of the running of the bulls lead us to think that with more runners, there is more danger. However, let’s look at the actual patterns and see what the data tells us. According to the numbers provided by the Pamplona City Council, Sundays are still the days with the most runners. From 2017 to the past, 4,026 runners have disappeared from the running of the bulls, but the pattern remains that Sunday is one of the most recurring days to enjoy a race with bulls like the one in Pamplona.

In 2022, Sunday was the busiest day with 363 runners above average. With one hundred more runners than on Saturday, a traditional pattern, except in 2018 and 2017 where Saturday was the day with the most attendees.

2022 2019 2018 2017
Jueves 1700 Domingo 2300 Sábabo 2094 Viernes 2504
Viernes 1700 Lunes 1900 Domingo 2014 Sábado 2984
Sábado 1900 Martes 1700 Lunes 1758 Domingo 2501
Domingo 2000 Miércoles 1300 Martes 1924 Lunes 1995
Lunes 1500 Jueves 1400 Miércoles 1522 Martes 1933
Martes 1500 Viernes 1400 Jueves 1639 Miércoles 2140
Miércoles 1300 Sábado 1700 Viernes 1521 Jueves 1724
Jueves 1500 Domingo 2100 Sábado 1638 Viernes 1345
TOTAL 13100 13800 14110 17126
MEDIA DIARIA 1637,5 1725 1763,75 2140,75

If we take that data and cross it with goring, the data tells us that Sundays are dangerous, but not much more than Thursday. The increase in participants is not particularly reflected in the danger of goring. A goring difference may not seem like much (they give it to you -some would say-)

Of the running of the bulls held on Sunday, the most compelling sections are Santo Domingo, Telefónica and, especially, the Callejón. The section of the Plaza de Toros -without gorings- is the least dangerous, followed by those of the Town Hall, Mercaderes and Estafeta. These data come from the 47 Sundays with Sanfermin running of the bulls in the modern era of the running of the bulls. Let us remember that the Miura confinement of July 13, 1997 was not held, as well as those of 2020 and 2021. 

The average duration of these bull runs is 3:53 with a record of 0.82 gorings per bull run. The typical confinement of a Sunday in the eighties included the Pablo Romero, from the nineties, the Miura.

Heridos por asta santo domingo Heridos por asta ayuntamiento Heridos por asta mercaderes Heridos por asta estafeta Heridos por asta telefonica Heridos por asta callejón Heridos por asta plaza
9 2 5 6 7 11 0

The most dangerous running of the bulls held on Sunday was on July 12, 2009 with the Miura , which lasted up to five minutes and registered five gorings, spread over the Santo Domingo (1), Mercaderes (1), Estafeta (2) and Callejón (1).

Fotografía de Ana Villanueva

But beyond the dates, the DNI of this livestock for the spectacular goring. A ccording to data from Sanfermin.com’s Bullrunning analytics, it is the farm with the record for goring in most sections of the running of the bulls.

Cebada Gago is the farm that has left the most gorings in Santo Domingo (11 in 47 bull runs).
Cebada Gago is the cattle ranch that has left the most gorings in City Hall (4 in 47 bull runs).
Cebada Gago is the farm that has left the most gorings in Estafeta (15 in 47 bull runs).
Cebada Gago is the farm that has left the most gorings in Telefónica (8 in 47 bull runs).
Cebada Gago is the ranch that has left the most gorings in Callejón (16 in 47 confinements).
Callejón is the section where Cebada Gago has left the most gorings (16 in 32 running of the bulls).
Mercaderes is the section where Cebada Gago has left the least gored (3 in 32 bull runs).

Statistics of the last running of the bulls of Cebada Gago in Pamplona

38th running of the bulls with more gorings. The 1st is that of 07/12/2004 (8).

Running of the bulls with more gorings since 07/14/2019.

31st running of the bulls with more injuries. The 1st is that of 07/08/2016 (23).

In 32 participations Cebada Gago has left 59 gored (1.84 per confinement).

Cebada Gago is the 1st cattle farm that has left the most gorings (59 in total).

Cebada Gago is the 6th ranch with the highest goring average (1.84 per confinement).

In 32 participations it is the 21st time that Cebada Gago has been gored.

Cebada Gago is the 2nd cattle farm that has left the most injuries due to trauma (130 in total).

Cebada Gago is the 2nd cattle ranch that causes the most injuries (189 in total).

4th time that there are 3 or more gorings in a running of the bulls held on July 11.

6th time that there are 3 or more gorings in a bull run held on a Monday.

20th slowest running of the bulls held on a Monday.

14th time that there has been a goring in Callejón on a Monday. The previous one was on 07/09/2012.

On Monday the section with the most gorings is Callejón (14 in 47 bull runs).

On Monday, the section with the least goring is Telef?nica (4 in 47 running of the bulls).

16th goring of Cebada Gago in Callejón (0.5 per running of the bulls).