Ganadores cartel Sanfermin 2016.

The kids from the public primary school of Buztintxuri in Pamplona are the creators of this year’s poster to announce the Sanfermin 2016 Fiestas

For the past six years this school has been sending in their work to the official annual competition to find a poster for the Sanfermin fiestas. The kids have done this as part of their drawing and art classes at school in the Public Primary School in the Pamplona neighborhood of Buztintxuri. Up to this year of 2016, this activity was just seen as a bit of fun, or a game, but now this year they have become the authors of the official poster, which will display everywhere the fiesta program of Sanfermin 2016.

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Carteles finalistas Sanfermin 2016

The finalist posters for the 2016 Sanfermin Poster Competition with fewer entrants than previous years

The eight finalist posters have now been selected and the winner from these eight will become the official Sanfermin 2016 poster. Votes for the winning entry will come from citizens who are on the Pamplona census list and they can cast their vote in various ways: Votes may be cast up to the 18th of April through the Pamplona City Hall web page , and also by way of the City Hall Call Number for Citizen Attention 010 (948420100 – when calling from a cell phone or from outside Pamplona). It is also possible to cast a vote in person by visiting any one of the network of Civivox centers. In this latter case, the final day for voting is the 16th of April.

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Javier Erice a la derecha y el cartel de kilikón a la izquierda. Javier le saca la burla con la mano abierta coloca en la nariz al cartel, donde un niño realiza la misma postura a Caravinagre

Kilikón, from Javier Erice, is the winning poster to announce the 2015 Sanfermin Fiestas

Javier Erice Larumbe and his poster creation, entitled Kilikón, will announce the 2015 Sanfermin fiestas. His creation received 1, 511 votes from a total of 5, 124 votes cast by the citizens of Pamplona which gave him a percentage of 29, 4% of the total votes. From the votes cast on Internet by voters from the municipal census list, Kilikón was the first option with 1, 098 votes with a margin of 362 votes over “Mogollón”, poster number 7, which was created by Carlos García López from Barcelona. The winning poster from Erice was also the first option, although with a tighter margin, from among those who cast their vote in person at the Civivox municipal premises, belonging to Pamplona City Hall, with 398 votes as compared with the 354 votes received by the poster “Mogollón”.

In the open survey carried out online by, in which it was not necessary to be on Pamplona city census list, Kilikón achieved an even higher margin over the rest of the entrants where the winning poster was given 44% of the total number of votes cast. However, outside Pamplona, the Mogollón” poster proved to be less popular and the two best runner-up posters were those of “La despedia de los Gigantes” and “8 días de blanco y rojo”.

At the press conference today, the Mayor of Pamplona, Enrique Maya, wished to underline the fact that for him personally, it was a thrill to know that the winning poster, with its image of Caravinagre, will feature as the official poster to announce the fiestas of  Sanfermin this coming July. It was equally satisfying to find that the author was a local man from Pamplona. It was also satisfying to see that the participation in the voting this year had improved on that of last year with a total of 5,124 votes cast – 47.4% more than in 2014. However, the total does not reach the 6.422 votes cast in 2012 or the 9, 782 votes cast in 2009.

Author Javier Erice, was trained in the School of Arts and Crafts. Although he has never dedicated himself full-time to working as an artist he has always kept in close contact with the world of painting and photography. Erice stressed that he chose the “paper-Mache Big-Head” figure of Caravinagre “because he felt like doing it” and that he did not take into account any fashionable trends in painting but rather worked wholly from his own criteria. He underlined the fact that by choosing Caravinagre he wished to reflect his own childhood fears and, on the other hand, with the nose-thumbing gesture of the small child, he wished to create a simple manner of dealing with those situations that can terrify us.

Se puede puede ver a Javier Erice con el cartel en la mano y su reflejo en el espejo de la sala de prensa del ayuntamiento de Pamplona
Javier Erice con su obre en la rueda de prensa de presentación del cartel ganador

Resultados de la encuesta web donde el cartel Kilikon gana con el 44% de los votos. Más de 1300.

Kilikon será el cartel de Sanfermin 2015

Según los lectores y seguidores de, “Kilikón” será el cartel de Sanfermin 2015. Tras una semana de encuestas a través de y las redes sociales de Sanfermin, “Kilikón” será el cartel ganador porque obtuvo 1.390 elecciones, el 44,1% de todas las votaciones. Le sigue con un 31% de las elecciones “La despedida de los gigantes” que ha registrado 983 votos.

Con estos datos principales podemos concluir que entre estos dos carteles está el gusto mayoritario de nuestros seguidores. El resto, como se puede ver en la tabla, le sigue a distancia aunque el orden es “8 días de rojo y blanco”, “San Fermín Pamplona Lovers”, “Mogollón”, “Estallido & recompensa” , “Urdin gorri” y “Ciudad Abierta / Hiria zabalik”.

Kilikon 1390 44.1%
La despedida de los gigantes 983 31.2%
8 días de rojo y blanco 324 10.3%
San Fermín Pamplona Lovers 230 7.3%
Mogollón 122 3.9%
Estallido & recompensa 50 1.6%
Urdin gorri 33 1%
Ciudad abierta / Hiria zabalik 22 0.7%

El sistema utilizado permite votar varias veces y, si bien los votos totales pueden estar inflados porque hay quienes han votado muchas veces por diferentes carteles, los porcentajes se han mantenido desde el inicio de la encuesta. Veremos el martes que viene si hemos acertado. Muchas gracias a quienes han participado.

Ilustración con un perfil de Caravinagre gigante que ocupa la parte izquierda y central del cartel.  Ala derecha y abajo se amanece el perfil en sombre de un niño que se burla del kiliki.
Cartel Kilikon finalista concurso de carteles de San fermin 2015

Equipazo, cartel de Sanfermin 2014

“Equipazo”, (‘great team’) the image created by Ignacio Domenech from Alicante will be the poster for Sanfermin for 2014, after receiving the backing of 879 voters (25% of the total number of voters) sent in by Pamplona citizens listed on the official census list and who have had the opportunity of casting their votes from a listing of eight finalist posters.

As the author himself explained at the press conference offered by the Mayor of Pamplona, Enrique Maya, the design deals with a vectored illustration where spot inks were used and in which the image of a woman was conscientiously inserted. The decision to include a woman was something which had been on his mind and which was wholly endorsed when he read from Alcoi this post from about the theme. Equally, he insists that he did not want to offend the image of Hemingway in any way when he drew him holding the horn of a bull.

Domenech, a regular visitor to the Sanfermin fiestas, revealed that he had first thought of inserting a selfie on the poster, but in the end he rejected this idea.

Press conference in spanish with the author.

Ignacio Domenech Payá was born on the 12th of August, 1988 in the town of Alcoi in the province of Alicante. He has a higher qualification in Graphic Design from the Escola de Disseny i Art – the School of Design in Barcelona. Currently, he is working as a freelance graphic designer. Last year one of his poster designs won the design competition to announce the 128th edition of the Parade of The Three Wise Men at the Feast of the Epiphany in Alcoi. The style of the poster confirms a constant fidelity found in the work of Domenech, as can be seen at his webpage.

Equipazo quickly became the favorite of the eight finalists as was pointed out in some days ago, based on the number of reproductions of the videos. A curious fact this year is the large presence of designers from outside Navarra – a total of six from the eight finalist entries.

3, 474 citizens voted in the competition – 1, 400 less than last year. As the Mayor, Mr. Maya, pointed out at the press conference, this fact will need to be given some serious thought by the City Hall organizers of the competition.

1. Equipazo (Ignacio Domenech, from Alcoi). 879 votes (25, 3%)
2. 7+7=14 (Estefanía de Paz Asín, de Pamplona). 707 votes (20,3%)
3. Déjate atrapar (Eloy Antoñanzas Molina, Pamplona) (631 votes(18,16%)
4. Rey de Sanfermines (Manuel Jesús Rivero Fernández, Córdoba). 515 votes
5. Con mucho amor (Jon Artetxe Artabe, de Areatza, Bizkaia). 488 votes
6. San (Aner Hernández Barrenetxea, Mutriku). 131 votes
7. Pañoleta y Asta (Julio Redondo Muñiz, Jerez). 102 votes
8. Afilado (José Luis Fernández González, Laviana-Asturias). 21 votes

This is the opinion of the technical jury panel about the winning design (spanish).

Equipazo, cartel de Sanfermin 2014

English version HERE.

“Equipazo”, del autor alcoyano Ignacio Domenech será el cartel de Sanfermin para 2014, tras recibir 879 adhesiones (25% del total) en la votación popular llevada a cabo en los últimos días entre los empadronados en Pamplona.

Según ha explicado el propio autor en la comparecencia ofrecida junto al alcalde de Pamplona Enrique Maya, se trata de una ilustración vectorizada en la que ha usado tintas planas y en la que deliberadamente ha querido incluir una mujer. Esta decisión de incluir una mujer era algo que ya tenía en mente, pero que vio refrendada al leer este post de sobre el tema. Igualmente, aseguró no haber pretendido ofender la figura de Hemingway por retratarlo tocando el cuerno de un toro.

Domenech, habitual en las fiestas de Sanfermin, desveló que pensó reflejar un selfie en el cartel, pero que finalmente lo descartó.

Equipazo era el cartel favorito, tal y como ya contamos en hace unos días basándonos en las reproducciones de los videos.

Esta es la opinión del jurado técnico sobre la obra.

Y estas son todas las obras finalistas de la que ha salido la ganadora.

El lunes termina el plazo para votar el cartel

El <strong>lunes 28 de abril de 2014 termina el plazo</strong> para que los empadronados en Pamplona escojan el cartel de Sanfermin para este año. Puedes votar en la página del <em>Ayuntamiento de Pamplona</em> todavía <a title=” Vota carteles de Sanfermin” href=”” target=”_blank”>aquí</a>. En <strong></strong> también tenemos nuestras propias conjeturas sobre cuál de estos carteles resultará ganador, aunque no es nuestro estilo basarnos en suposiciones.

Como todos los años colgamos los testimonios del jurado técnico sobre la valoración profesional que realizan sobre las obras. Las personas que visitan estos vídeos principalmente quieren ampliar su conocimiento sobre los detalles que han servido al jurado para valorar las obras finalistas antes de proceder al voto. <strong>Trasladamos las visitas de esos videos al interés por los carteles y os lo contamos</strong>, quedando siempre muy cerca de los resultados reales. Este criterio no siempre es exacto porque los videos no sólo los ven gente que puede votar, sino también personas que les gusta entretenerse, que les gusta Sanfermin o el grafismo o las dos y que viven en cualquier lugar del mundo. Según estos datos de consultas de nuestros vídeos, e<strong>l cartel con más visitas es el <em>número 1</em> (7+7=14), seguido por el <em>4</em> (Equipazo) y por el<em> 2</em> (San).</strong> Por lo tanto, la victoria por consultas sería para el cartel 7+7=14 o para Equipazo. <a title=”video carteles de sanfermin” href=”” target=”_blank”>Ver videos aquí</a>.

Hay que apuntar que ha habido una tendencia en los últimos años a la figuración entre los votantes dentro de las opciones que nos presenta el jurado para escoger. Si dos carteles compiten claramente detacados sobre los demás suele terminar con victoria de quien más se asemeje a una obra tradicional. Esto nos hace pensar que <strong>Equipazo será en cartel de 2014</strong>. Veremos si acertamos la semana que viene cuando conozcamos el ganador cartel ganador por votación popular para Sanfermin 2014

<strong>Visitas videos:</strong>
<strong>Cartel 1. 7+7=14</strong>                497 reproducciones.
<strong>Cartel 4. Equipazo</strong>                                454 reproducciones.<strong>
<strong>Cartel 2. San                                          </strong></strong>397 reproducciones.
<strong><strong><strong><strong>Cartel 3. <strong><strong>Rey de Sanfermines</strong></strong>              </strong></strong></strong></strong>365 reproducciones.
<strong><strong><strong><strong>Cartel 8. Con mucho amor                   </strong></strong></strong></strong>337 reproducciones.<strong><strong>
<strong><strong><strong><strong>Cartel 5. Pañoleta y asta                </strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong>      315 reproducciones.<strong><strong>
<strong><strong><strong><strong>Cartel 6. Déjate atrapar                 </strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong>       313 reproducciones.<strong><strong>
Cartel 7. Afilado                                    </strong></strong>290 reproducciones.

<strong><strong></strong></strong><a href=””><img alt=”cartel1_g” src=”” width=”259″ height=”378″ /></a><a href=””><img alt=”cartel4_g” src=”” width=”265″ height=”381″ /></a>




El jurado decide que sigan adelante en la votación los carteles “7+7=14” y “Pañoleta y Asta”

The board of judges for the Sanfermin Poster Competition met today at midday and in a unanimous decision they agreed that all the eight finalist posters can continue to be voted for. The president of the jury had requested a technical report and he also wished to listen to the opinion of the other board members before taking a decision on this question. It is the opinion of the board that none of the questions analyzed fails to comply with rule number three in the competition regulations which demands that the design must be original, unedited and has not been a finalist in any previous editions of this annual competition.

Doubts had arisen in relation to the designs created in poster number 1 as well as in poster number 5. After the eight finalists were announced, the local newspaper Diario de Navarra published photos of the posters and it was quickly spotted that, in 2013, a very similar creation had been admitted as one of the finalist posters. With regard to this particular question the jury board state that “It is not a copy of the 2013 poster, because many differences may be found between the two creations, both in their conception and in their execution. In addition, while both play with the idea of the dates, this year’s poster does not play with the idea of the hyphens”. This statement was issued by Pamplona City Hall in a press release today.


As for the second contentious poster, with the title “Pañoleta y asta”, the board of judges state that “while the idea of the square bracket seen as horn is present in both works, the stroke of the accent is not there, nor is the outline of the ‘ñ’, symbolizing a runner. Furthermore, the typography, colors, text layout…are all quite different.” For all these reasons, “the jury board agree that there is no reason to doubt the originality of the poster creations nor has there been any infringement of the rules and regulations and that both posters should be admitted to the vote of the public alongside the other finalist posters.”


porque estos carteles de Sanfermin

¿Por qué estos carteles?… Escucha al jurado del Concurso de Sanfermin 2014

When we look at the Sanfermin poster entries we make our evaluation, naturally enough, based on our personal taste and appreciation when it comes to making a selection and casting a vote. Here at, we feel it would be interesting to consider the evaluation of the professionals who go to make up the assessment panel in order to acquire perhaps a more artistic and accurate point-of-view of the designs. We all know that a democratic viewpoint and an artistic viewpoint do not always coincide, and for that reason, important poster competitions do not usually include a people’s vote but rather depend on a panel or board of experts to pick the winning poster.

However, in choosing the official Sanfermin poster, it is now a tradition since the beginning of the present century, to have the citizens vote from the short list of finalists to find the winning poster. For that reason, the explanations from the professionals on what they appreciate in each poster will undoubtedly help the layman to decide which the best poster is. In the following videos, the panel of experts discuss each of the finalist entries and we can appreciate in their voice and in their eye for detail, nuances that perhaps the written word cannot manage to convey so well.

Cartel número 1. 7+7=14

Cartel número 2. San

Cartel número 3. Rey de Sanfermines

Cartel número 4. Equipazo

Cartel número 5. Pañoleta y Asta

Cartel número 6. Déjate atrapar

Cartel número 7. Afilado

Cartel número 8. Con mucho amor