SanFairPlay, iniciativa de Kukuxumusu para promover unas fiestas sin agresiones.

The initiative #SanFairPlay from Kukuxumusu is supporting fiestas that are free from any kind of aggression

The SanFairPlay concept is based on the Fair-Play code that is found in sports games  and the “clean-play” call that was launched by FIFA in the 1990s and which is acknowledged all over the world. Kukuxumusu has given its own twist to the slogan with some word- play and come up with the “SanFairPlay “concept. A universal slogan in support of one of the best-known fiestas in the world to help keep these fiestas the most popular and integrating in the whole wide world.

Download in PDF form, the rules of #SanFairPlay in four languages.

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Enjoyment, Normality and a lot of Participation sums up Sanfermin 2015

Pamplona City Hall makes it assessment of the outcome of the Sanfermin 2015 fiestas and concludes that “They have been very good fiestas with “enjoyment and normality taking precedence above all.

Joseba Asirón, Mayor of Pamplona, sums up the outcome of the fiestas in three key aspects: Inclusion, where he underlined the conviviality and the plurality; Participation, from the symbolic moment of the launching of theTxupinazo opening rocket which was less institutional than ever before, as well as the success of the farewell ceremony of the Giants and their Entourage; and Appreciation to all those whose work ensured that the fiestas would run in such a normal atmosphere.

The Mayor did not waste the opportunity to point out that there is always room for improvement in the organization of the Sanfermin fiestas as some of the events that can take place are unpredictable. Furthermore, Asirón specified that the whistling and jeering at the closing Pobre de mí event were accepted as normal as he stressed the fact that there would always be protests against the Mayor as that is the person who must bring the fiestas to a close. However, he also went on to state that there was a sector of the population that did not wish to accept the fact that Pamplona is a city with two living languages and that everyone must make an effort to respect that fact.

With regard to the sexist aggressions, Asirón made it clear that some important advances had been made and that the number of denouncements had fallen by 19% this year and that the number of arrests were 1, 656 compared to the 2, 047 of 2014.  Meanwhile, the most followed events continue to be the nightly Fireworks Displays and the parades of the Giants and their Entourage with figures of 424,000 and 180, 000 people respectively. The music performances account for 35% of the participation in the fiestas.

Some other important aspects noted this year include a reduction of 24% in the weight of broken glass and general garbage during fiestas; while there were a total of 97 food inspections made and 32 cases of noise reports; this year the impact on Twitter multiplied four-fold compared to 2014, with a total of two thousand million impacts. modifica un anuncio tildado de sexista por algunos de sus seguidores ha decidido retirar de su web un anuncio promocional del servicio de autobuses que ofrece junto a en el que aparecían, dibujados, varios corredores del encierro. Ante las quejas recibidas por parte de algunos usuarios de la web, que consideran sexista la adaptación del anuncio en la que aparece una joven levantándose su camiseta, ha decidido tomar esta decisión.

El nivel de sensibilidad en este tema no lo pone, sino nuestros seguidores, usuarios y visitantes. Por tanto, aunque a nosotros no nos parecía sexista un anuncio en cuyo dibujo original y en varias adaptaciones una chica se levanta la camiseta y un chico se baja los pantalones, hemos decidido modificar el anuncio de nuestra web por cuanto entendemos que el tema es delicado y que en este tema concreto no procede enrocarse en una postura en la que, a ojos de mucha gente bienintencionada, podemos estar equivocados, aunque para nosotros no existiera tal consideración.

En cualquier caso, mantenemos nuestra postura de defender que en Sanfermin y en cualquier ámbito de la vida, cada uno hace con su cuerpo lo que quiere, enseña lo que quiere y muestra lo que le apetece; al mismo tiempo que condenamos y denunciamos cualquier ataque a esa libertad y, por supuesto, cualquier actitud vejatoria, sexista, discriminatoria u ofensiva contra la mujer.

Con el fin de sensibilizar sobre este tema y dar ayuda a las mujeres que puedan ser agredidas, mantiene desde hace varios años una campaña específica en la que recuerda los pasos a dar en caso de sufrir un ataque sexista o una violación.

Campaign for equality in fiestas

For more than 10 years now, The Navarra Institute for Family and Equality has been launching an annual prevention campaign to increase citizen awareness of the existence of possible sexual harassment taking place during fiestas in the Navarra region and, especially during Sanfermin. “En fiestas NO TODO VALE” (‘NOT EVERYTHING GOES in Fiestas’) and “Enjoy the fiestas from a position of mutual respect, A “No” means a “No” are just some examples of the kind of messages that this campaign hopes to reach everyone with.

The logotype for 2014 will consist of a red hand in a sign of rebuff, and, in the case of the Sanfermin fiestas, this will also include an image of City hall square – the Plaza Consistorial and the “sea” of red neckties at the chupinazo opening rocket event.

The slogan for this year – “Por unas fiestas libres de agresiones sexistas/Eraso sexistarik gabeko jaien alde” (‘For fiesta fun without any sexist aggression’), as well as the aspect of prevention, also emphasizes the need to explain what to do in moments of suffering any danger or risk in this respect and where to go to get help. The message, available in several different languages, will be seen both in the city hall program as well as at, and it can even be downloaded to mobile and cell phone applications.

#ZEROagresiones #AutodefensaFeminista
#ZEROagresiones #AutodefensaFeminista
El No sigue siendo No

Campaña para la igualdad en fiestas

The Navarra Institute for Equality and The Family today launched an awareness campaign on correct equality and fairness for both sexes during the fiestas. The campaign which started some ten years ago, stresses the message “Live the fiestas from a position of respect for others and a “No” continues to mean “No”. A poster has been created which will be widely distributed calling for respect for others during fiestas. This poster will be distributed to all towns and villages during their fiestas days all over the summer in Navarra. The aim is to spread the message to most towns in Navarra and not just for Sanfermin fiestas. Above all, the objective is to eliminate any kind of sexual harassment and to instigate a behavior of mutual respect between the sexes and to remind the public that a “NO “also means a “No” at a time of fiestas and must be respected as such. The message sent out at the press conference of the Institute is that “Girls and Boys, Women and Men, have the right to enjoy the festival events without having to suffer any kind of sexual harassment or aggressions of any kind.” The poster drawing makes use of the purple logotype used during the rest of the year in its campaign against gender violence but for fiestas it is colored in a red and white tone No more Macho violence.

No mas violencia Machista
No mas violencia Machista

La Federación de Peñas denuncia “Despropósitos Pre Sanfermineros”

La Federación de Peñas de Pamplona ha enviado un comunicado a los medios de comunicación bajo el título “Despropósitos Pre Sanfermineros” exponiendo su opinión sobre 6 puntos que van desde el Txupinazo a las Agresiones Sexistas, pasando por la ordenanza del encierro. Puedes descargar el original, aquí.

Para este organismo, el punto más importante es el de las agresiones sexistas y llama al gobierno en el Ayuntamiento de Pamplona a cambiar su actitud. Denuncian agresiones sexistas en sanfermin como “el manoseo generalizado en el Txupinazo, la imagen del todo vale promocionada groseramente por empresas de la industria pornográfica y la imposibilidad de que la mujer participe de la fiesta sin riesgo alguno”. El comunicado concluye resumiendo, “La Federación de Peñas de Pamplona, insta de nuevo al consistorio a que se replantee la manera de entender la fiesta, y la organización de la misma, reconvirtiendo la inoperante Mesa de los Sanfermines en un órgano abierto, realmente participativo y con capacidad para encontrar soluciones a estos y otros problemas de nuestras fiestas.”

La Federación de Peñas propone que sea la ciudadanía de Pamplona la que decida quién lanza el Txupinazo de Sanfermin.

Ordenanza del encierro
La Federación de Peñas participó en la Mesa del Encierro y realizó sus porpuestas y explica que se ha aprobado una ordenanza que en lugar de centrarse en la regulación lo ha hecho sobre las sanciones. Además, critica que las acciones municipales sean contradictorias con su propio criterio regulador. Piden también que la Mesa del Encierro sea permanente y se abra a otros sectores.

Programación en Plaza de los Fueros
En este punto este organismo que representa a la mayoría de peñas denuncia que se hayan producido recortes en partidas importantes para Sanfermin, como limpieza y seguridad, y se amplíe el presupuesto para la programación musicla de la plaza de los fueros. Acusan al Ayuntamiento de combatir el éxito del área festiva impulsada por Gora Iruñea.

Privatización de la Comparsa de gigantes
La Federación de peñas califica de surrealista el intento de sacar a concurso la gestión de la comparsa y proponen poner la ley a servicio del ciudadano y no al revés y encontrar fórmulas legales que permitan a la comparsa seguir como hasta el momento.