A bulldozing charge on the Telefonica stretch

Photos: Iñaki Vergara

The eighth and last Running of the Bulls of Sanfermin 2017 was unfolding in a predictable form, with the bulls running at a frenetic pace. The Miura bulls had knocked over several runners on the Mercaderes and Estafeta stretches, although without attempting to gore any of the runners. But when the bulls entered the Telefonica stretch, they raced along the fencing on the right side almost in file at a ferocious pace.

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Sweeping up along the fence

Photo: Javier Ibáñez

The greatest danger in the seventh Running of the Bulls of Sanfermin 2017,with the Núñez del Cuvillo bulls were those several moments when the bulls, one of them especially, stuck tight to the right side of the fencing. This bull made an early move to the right side on the first stretch at Santo Domingo, where it gored one of the runners, and again, on the Telefónica stretch, where some runners got wedged together and where the bull caused more than a few frights to the runners.

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A forced landing in Mercaderes

Foto: Ignacio Rubio

The Núñez Del Cuvillo bulls featured in an exciting seventh Running of the Bulls of Sanfermin 2017 where two runners received gorings. Unlike these previous days, today there were few slips-ups and falls. However, this spectacular fall took place at the Mercaderes stretch where the runner falls on his face, just as the bull’s snout is on top of him.
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@Iñigo Alzugaray

Hooked by the armpit at the top of Estafeta Street

Photo: Iñigo Alzugaray

The rapid pace of the bulls over the second half of this sixth Running of the Bulls of 2017, did not allow for much fancywork or frills. Only those runners who were in an excellent physical condition were able to keep up to the pace of the steamrolling Victoriano de Rio bulls and even then, not for very long. This can be clearly seen in this sequence of shots with the runner in the green necktie, a regular experienced runner on this stretch. He displays some fine running in front of the horns of the bulls at the end of the Estafeta stretch but he is soon caught by the bulls as they charge ahead.

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A no-goring on the corner (video)

The most dangerous moment of the fifth Running of the Bulls of Sanfermin 2017, featuring the Jandilla bull-ranch, took place at the corner of Mercaderes, where, yet again, an imprudent runner found himself alone and stationary on the left side of the fencing, just where the bulls inevitably take the turning into Estafeta Street. However, despite the awesome images, this young runner from Australia escaped unscathed from the frightful tossing he received.

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The Osasuna mascots made their debut in the Encierro

Today there have been a running of the bulls in the afternoon. The afternoon event has displayed some rather funny blue bulls. Mr. Testis and his mates from the famous Kukuxumusu bull ranch have returned once again to dazzle the kiddies and not-so-kiddies, in the traditional Txiki Running of the Bulls. This year we have seen an important novelty with the participation of two special guest runners: Rojillo and Rojilla, the mascots from Osasuna Football Club.

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La curva de la Estafeta con la manada. @Juantxo Erce

All together in a pack

Foto: Juantxo Erce

One of the biggest dangers in any kind of bullrunning occurs whenever a bull gets loose and separated from the pack. Just the opposite to what happened with the José Escolar bulls that are always ready to go their own way, these Fuente Ymbro bulls always seem to want to stay together in close contact. And that is exactly what they did during this fourth Running of the Bulls of Sanfermin 2017. All together in a tight pack.

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“I am not leaving without running”

Fotos: Javier Martínez de la Puente

You come all the way from the other side of the world and you prepare yourself in a conscientious way to take part in the Running of the Bulls. You forego going out partying or drinking just to make sure that you are in perfect shape for the event. And just when the bulls in this fourth Running of the Bulls of Sanfermin 2017 come racing up, you go and trip over and fall and you are left without having even been able to see the horns. What a drag!

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Humped by the bull

Photo: Maite H. Mateo

Although “Huracán” was faster than any hurricane, and even though it passed over anything and everything in its path, and the normal thing to expect from this big muscular bull would be to cause a pile of injuries – the fact is that this third Running of the Bulls of Sanfermin 2017 finished without any serious injuries to the runners, including the young runner who was stampeded over at the Telefónica stretch.

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