In order to celebrate the final calendar step leading to Sanfermin fiestas, and taking advantage of the “Red and White” night organized by the commercial association of the Old Quarter of Pamplona on Friday 5th of June, we brought Mister Testis along with us in order to let the general public try out some selfie shots with him from some new angles and unusual altitudes. The best selfie snapshot would be awarded a T-shirt from the latest Sanfermin collection created by Kukuxumusu.
Category: Sanfermin by Kukuxumusu
The first Kukuxumusu T-shirt for Sanfermin 2015
Today is the 5th of May and there is not long to go for Sanfermin 2015. Our particular way to celebrate this step on the ladder towards Sanfermin fiestas is by giving a foretaste of the forthcoming 2015 Kukuxumusu Collection with this Evolution Running T-shirt. This year sees the 26th anniversary of Kukuxumusu origins and this T-shirt displays the evolution of the drawing of the Kukuxumusu blue bulls from right back in 1989 all the way up to 2015.
Evolution Running can be got in a unisex model at the Kukuxumusu Online Shop. And precisely because today is the 5th of May – a key date in Pamplona for taking another big step on the ladder towards the Sanfermin fiestas – we have put a special discount of 15% which is valid until the 10th of May, as long as you use the SANFERMIN Voucher in the purchase transaction.
The bulls on the T-shirt display the evolution of the Kukuxumusu drawing over the past 26 years of Sanfermin sketching. We move from a blue bull with a heavy outline, with yellow horns and rigid limbs towards a bull that starts to take on some curves and a more expressive face and eyes. The personality of the drawings of the Kukuxumusu blue bull towards the final creation of Mister Testis, where the animal can now walk on two hind legs and take a step out of the world of beasts in order to mix in with the humans, whenever he feels like it.

A trip to Sanfermin with Kukuxumusu
Kukuxumusu celebrates its 26 historic years under the name of the 26th anniv-bestiary with an open invitation to vote your favorite all-time T-shirt drawings from a selection of 100 at the web site
From the results obtained, the top ten voted T-shirts will be reprinted and, from among the participants, there will be a draw made with the prize of a trip to Sanfermin 2015 for the winner.
At the web page of this event, up to a 100 drawings will be activated, in categories, and everyone can select their favorites from among the whole list. The page will be open and running until next June and from the T-shirt drawings chosen by the participants, the top 10 T-shirts will be reprinted from with the selection. Obviously, from among the range of 100 drawings, there will be one category solely dedicated to Sanfermin drawings and these will be pinned up as soon as the categories are fully sorted out by us.
There also exists the possibility of participating in another manner – by sending in stories and accounts from fans of Kukuxumusu about their experiences with the Kukuxumusu trademark, its products, meeting up with the founder-members or even some of the workers from the early days, so that we can all get to know what lies behind the company and its 26 years of hilarious drawings. Did you fall in love while wearing a Kukuxumusu t-shirt? Did you come across anyone wearing a Kukuxumusu T-shirt while you were on the top of a live volcano?… tell it all here.
Lovers of the Bulls
Although the bull might not be the only thing in the Sanfermin fiestas, for many the bull is at the core of the Sanfermin partying and for that reason they receive a lot of signs of fondness. Especially, from our friends the cows, who are committed to the bulls and who adore them and take care of them. Not too long to go now for Sanfermin 2015.
Anna Nelubova, Foreigner of Sanfermin 2014
Painter and photographer Anna Nelubova today received the XI Guiri de Sanfermin award. This accolade is given each year to some particular foreign visitor by the Kukuxumusu firm in recognition of the presence and contribution that the foreign visitors make to the success of the Sanfermin fiestas.
Kiddies Running of the Bulls, more massive than ever
This evening at 19:00 p.m. Mr. Testis and his pack of fighting Bulls will once again have the kiddies rolling at the Kiddies Running of the Bulls. The Kukuxumusu Blue Bull will come out of the pen alongside his fighting bullmates at the Kukuxumusu Store at no. 19 Mercaderes Street and they will run as far as the fencing located at their other store at no. 76 Estafeta Street.
Kukuxumusu has been giving the kiddies a chance to learn how to run a bullrunning for some years now as they enjoy themselves running with some big, cuddly, stuffed blue Bulls. There will, of course, be a homily sung to the saint and there will be bull-minders there and a rocket will go off. But above all, there will be lots of mini-runners ready to have a hell of a good time.
Fotos: Javier Martínez
Los toros bravos de Mr Testis repiten en el Encierro Infantil
Esta tarde a las 19:00h Mr Testis y sus hermanos vuelven a revolucionar a los más pequeños en el Encierro Infantil. El toro azul de Kukuxumusu, junto a sus hermanos bravos de camada, saldrán desde la tienda de Kukuxumusu en Mercaderes 19, y acabarán el encierro en los corralillos de la tienda de Estafeta 76.
Kukuxumusu lleva varios años ofreciendo a los niños una forma de aprender qué es un encierro y cómo se corre, a la vez que se divierten perseguidos por toros de peluche. Por supuesto, habrá cántico inicial, pastores y cohete, y muchos mini-corredores preparados para pasárselo genial.
Kukuxumusu present the new Sanfermin collection
The Running of the Bulls and the moment when the Bulls pass across Pamplona City Hall square at eight o’clock on the dot is the precise moment captured by Kukuxumusu in its illustration for the Special Sanfermin 2014 T-shirt. The drawing has also taken a telling nod at all the current affairs of the day as it also brings together two of the most emblematic events of the fiestas – the Giants and their Entourage and the Running of the Bulls.
In the drawing there is room to pay homage to Nelson Mandela, to remember the accident-filled opening Txupinazo event of 2013; there is a drawing of a young woman on a swing a la Miley Cyrus as well as a drawing of San Fermín in the company of the new Pope Francis I. “At Kukuxumusu we have always considered ourselves graphic reporters of current affairs even if it done from a largely humorous slant”, points out Mikel Urmeneta, artistic director of the firm and the person responsible for the creativity behind this annual emblematic drawing which is always the most popular drawing to come out of the Kukuxumusu factory each year.
“This year we wished to bring together the two most characteristic events of Sanfermin fiestas: the Running of the Bulls and the Giants and all their Entourage. Thus, we have put the Giants standing watching the Running of the Bulls and the kilikis running in the event”, states Urmeneta. As for the goring in the center of the drawing, it is open to various interpretations, such as “a goring in the heart of a tee shirt or perhaps an ‘I love Sanfermin’ ‘till death us do part”. In short, “a complex drawing in a simple format and, above all, it’s 100% Kukuxumusu”.
Current news also makes its presence on some of the other T- shirt drawings in the varied Sanfermin 2014 Collection. From a kind of self-portrait featuring a bull and several accompanying figures, to the famous selfie style of the Oscars. There is even a bull found sitting on a throne with Crown and all, as if to say, like the popular song goes,” that it continues to be the King.” The Starfetos, those pixel characters that can be found on several of the T shirts, are also a novelty in this latest 2014 T-shirt collection.
The russian painter Anna Nelubova, the 2014 Guiri of the year
The Russian painter, Anna Nelubova, will receive the XI Guiri Award from Kukuxumusu during Sanfermin fiestas this year. The firm confers this award each year to a foreign visitor who has stood out for their passion and support of the Sanfermin fiestas. modifica un anuncio tildado de sexista por algunos de sus seguidores ha decidido retirar de su web un anuncio promocional del servicio de autobuses que ofrece junto a en el que aparecían, dibujados, varios corredores del encierro. Ante las quejas recibidas por parte de algunos usuarios de la web, que consideran sexista la adaptación del anuncio en la que aparece una joven levantándose su camiseta, ha decidido tomar esta decisión.
El nivel de sensibilidad en este tema no lo pone, sino nuestros seguidores, usuarios y visitantes. Por tanto, aunque a nosotros no nos parecía sexista un anuncio en cuyo dibujo original y en varias adaptaciones una chica se levanta la camiseta y un chico se baja los pantalones, hemos decidido modificar el anuncio de nuestra web por cuanto entendemos que el tema es delicado y que en este tema concreto no procede enrocarse en una postura en la que, a ojos de mucha gente bienintencionada, podemos estar equivocados, aunque para nosotros no existiera tal consideración.
En cualquier caso, mantenemos nuestra postura de defender que en Sanfermin y en cualquier ámbito de la vida, cada uno hace con su cuerpo lo que quiere, enseña lo que quiere y muestra lo que le apetece; al mismo tiempo que condenamos y denunciamos cualquier ataque a esa libertad y, por supuesto, cualquier actitud vejatoria, sexista, discriminatoria u ofensiva contra la mujer.
Con el fin de sensibilizar sobre este tema y dar ayuda a las mujeres que puedan ser agredidas, mantiene desde hace varios años una campaña específica en la que recuerda los pasos a dar en caso de sufrir un ataque sexista o una violación.