
Celebra con Mr Testis Sanfermin

Buy your Sanselfie before Sanfermin here

It seemed that it was never going to come, but this Friday, 6th of June, is finally the penultimate step in the stepladder to the fiestas. And although you may not believe it, Mr. Testis, the blue bull from Kukuxumusu is going to be seen this afternoon from 17.00 p.m. at Estafeta Street, no. 76 in Pamplona (probably with a hangover, but still, he’ll be there) in order to celebrate with the public this last step before Sanfermin fiestas take off.

Anyone who wishes can have their photos taken with him or without him. Don’t miss it, especially as Mr. Testis seems particularly docile today and so we can’t miss the opportunity…
The fun-loving bull will be at the Kukuxumusu Store located at Estafeta 76. And, as we are always considerate with our public, you can take the opportunity of taking a #SanSelfie with him and use it to enter our competition. A T-shirt from the latest Sanfermin 2014 Collection will be given away each week until next 25th of July. . Check out the competition rules here.

STAMPEDE RUN, app of the week by apple itunes

Un juego sobre el encierro destacado como app de la semana en Itunes

This week Apple has highlighted the game Stampede Run as its free app in ITunes. This game was presented a year ago under the title Running with friends and now in its free version it changes its name and remain as a pay item in the HD version for large formats. The game is the same and it has been developed by Zynga, the world’s leading firm in games for social networks. This firm is the creator of Farm Ville and of the network With Friends to which the earlier version has now been united. The game consists in running the bulls in Pamplona and to compete against a multitude of other users. In 2013 it received an award from App Store in the category of Multiplayer, a recognition of its game potential in this aspect that it maintains in its current free version.

zinga running with friends
zinga running with friends
Plaza de toros de Pamplona Underwater. / Google Street View

Sanfermin bajo el agua

World day for the Environment will be celebrated on the 5th of June. And to create awareness of the reality of the situation in the face of the passive attitude shown by many, the crowdfunding platform Carbon Story which works on environmental projects will allow any locations found in Google Street view to be flooded on this day. From the website WorldUnderWater you can flood whatever you like and we have wished to make our contribution by using this system and flooding the three Sanfermin locations which might attract the most attention, City Hall Square, Mercaderes Corner and the Bullring.

Plaza de toros de Pamplona Underwater. / Google Street View
Pamplona Bullring Underwater. / Google Street View

Calle Estafeta Underwater. / Google Street ViewEstafeta Street Underwater. / Google Street View

Kukuxumusu anticipated this idea with one of its famous screensavers from some years back which was entitled Underwater and which you can download here.

Underwater Kukuxumusu
Underwater Kukuxumusu
The Sanfermin Starfetos

Ya falta Menos para la fiesta y nuevos Starfetos se suman al planeta de la juerga

Ya faltan solo dos meses para que estalle la fiesta y os presentamos cinco miembros más de la familia de Los Starfetos. Estos dibujos son pulgas digitales que se mueven entre pantallas como pez en el agua, aunque el agua la llevan muy mal y prefieren el kalimotxo con electrones. Si te pican te contagian la fiesta y sólo los puedes atrapar en dos dimensiones. Hemos cogido unos cuantos en estas camisetas de Kukuxumusu que te guiarán al planeta de la juerga. Consigue la camiseta con todos los Starfetos a través de la venta exclusiva online HOY por 19,5 euros cada una. Blanca o negra, el yin y el yang de la juerga, a dos meses de que estalle la mayor fiesta del mundo.

Es Antisistema. Al ver una algarada confunde el Encierro con una manifestación antiglobalización. A veces termina a pedradas con los cabestros.

Ciudadano de la fiesta que tiene la mala costumbre de colarse pedo en el Encierro y dar esquinazo a la policía. Un peligro para el resto de corredores, pero él siempre sobrevive.

Yanki fiel seguidor de Hemingway. Vive ‘La Fiesta’ al pie de la letra: corre en Santo Domingo tuneado con faja y periódico, ¡y una gorra! Bebe vino en bota, come churros de la Mañueta y escribe su best seller desde una terraza del café Iruña.

Nacida en Irún, adoptada por la ciudad, mujer de peña, corre el encierro todos los días y luego se convierte en Kiliki. No se pierde ni una tarde de toros al sol ni las actividades culturales de día.

Chica inquieta, discreta, solitaria y muy puesta, viene de la costa. Alguna vez se mete en el encierro por error y cree que está en una estampida de búfalos en África o viendo una película de las Olimpiadas en 3D.

Estos se unen a los primeros miembros de The Starfetos Familiy que son Fermintxo, Jumpix, Runningway, Kointreau y Rebolu. Llegarán más próximamente.

The Sanfermin Starfetos

Descubre el camino al planeta Fiesta con los Starfetos

The Starfetos are digital fleas that move between screens like fish in water. Although they prefer kalimotxo with electons to water any time. If they bite you, they infect you with the fiestas and you can only trap them in two dimensions. We have captured quite a few on these tee shirts and they will lead you straight to the planet of the fiestas.

Get these Kukuxumusu tee shirts only on sale Online for 19,5 euros per item. In Black or White, the yin and the yang of the partying, just three short months before biggest party in the world takes off.


There is also running of the bulls for childrens

Today, the third consecutive kiddies running of the bulls took place with the Kukuxumusu blue bulls. Mister Testis and his bullmates left the “pens” located at the store in Mercaderes Street and and they covered the course along with the kiddies and their parents to up as far as the Kukuxumusu store in Estafeta Street.

There were no mishaps nor any gorings, but the kiddies had a great time of it and they really enjoyed emulating the adults.

Reportaje fotográfico: Anna Neluvoba / Javier Martínez

Jean-Louis Douenne, Guiri of Sanfermin 2013

The Frenchman, Jean-Louis Douenne, was today given the X Guiri de Sanfermin Award, which is annually bestowed by Kukuxumusu to some long-standing foreign visitor or other who comes to Sanfermin. The firm aims in this way to give recognition to the contribution of the visitors to the fiestas which they live with a passion and intensity every bit as strong as the local people do.

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Kukuxumusu propone para su camiseta de Sanfermin 2013 un toro optimista ante la adversidad

A bull which is slipping up on the Mercaderes corner but that still has time to give a friendly wave is the main personality of the Kukuxumusu special tee shirt for Sanfermin 2013. This same drawing has also been used as a graphic image for the RTVE state television channel.  The drawing sends out an optimistic message and has a special appeal in these trying times that we are going through.

“This is a low-angle shot of the Mercaderes corner,a classic sanfermin photo spot, where one of the bulls is slipping up and is losing its posture but before it crashes to the ground it manages to make a friendly wave”, explains Mikel Urmeneta, creative director at Kukuxumusu. The rest of the running of the bulls is going on behind but with an impossible perspective in that we can see such iconic buildings as San Cernin church and City Hall. There are also some cute acknowledgements being made in the drawing to some current social events such as the person in disguise who is slipping an envelope into a “crack” ; San Fermín taking a snapshot of himself with the Ecce Homo de Borja; the Gangnam Style or the stratospheric jump made by Felix Baumgartner.


Kukuxumusu diseña para Line stickers gratuitos con temática sanferminera

Kukuxumusu has become the third Brand after Coca Cola and the El  Hormiguero TV program, on the nationwide Antena 3 Channel, in having an official account at Line España, the latest messenger service that is in competition with Whatsapp and which already has 10 million users in Spain.

As from today, The Kukuxumusu official account at Line contains some novelties, promotions and drawings, as well as 16 free stickers which are now available to all followers of this account. In addition, within a few days it will be possible to download a pack of 40 stickers which will be sold at a price of 1,79 euros in iOS and 100 coins on Google Play.

The stickers which have been created by  Kukuxumusu feature Tetis & Testis, the bull and the cow who both enjoy laughing at everything. Elehand, the funny elephant with the smart hand is also featured along with Icel, the only cube of ice that never melts.


Kukuxumusu crea la imagen promocional de Sanfermin para RTVE

As from today, the 18th of June, several cartoon figures created by Kukuxumusu, the company behind, will be shown on RTVE as this state television channel begins to promote its Sanfermin programming.

The three short cartoon clips created by Kukuxumusu which will be used by the state television will promote the running of the bulls, the Txupinazo and other events which will be covered by the TV channel and which will be broadcast on Channel 1, Channel 2 International Channel and also at

In addition, Kukuxumusu has made a special decorative design for the studio from which the Sanfermin events will be broadcast in Pamplona, and which will be used each morning after the running of the bulls.