Imagen de los datos obtenidos en el estudio para estudiar las variables de comportamiento que genera el encierro

The US Academy of Sciences publishes a study based on the confinement

“The Sanfermin running of the bulls in Pamplona could help scientists prepare for a catastrophe”, thus concludes a study of the behavior of crowds referred to by this mass media of great global impact on scientific dissemination. To obtain data, they came to Pamplona for the 2019 bull runs and, according to the article, they installed a couple of cameras suspended over the streets of Pamplona to have a bird’s eye view of the event. They recorded two consecutive day runs to capture the speed and direction of each runner, as well as the density of the crowd.

Article in the journal Science that refers to a study that takes as a reference the running of the bulls in Pamplona
Article in the journal Science that refers to a study that takes as a reference the running of the bulls in Pamplona

The study has been published, reviewed, and accepted by the editorial board of the American Academy of Sciences. The authors are:

  • Daniel R. Parisi and Alan G. Sartorio, both from the Center for Physical, Biological and Social Agents of the Technological Institute of Buenos Aires (ITBA) and the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research of Buenos Aires;
  • Joaquín R. Colonnello, from the Department of Computer Engineering of the Technological Institute of Buenos Aires;
  • Luis A. Pugnaloni, from the Department of Physics, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, National University of La Pampa, National Council for Scientific and Technical Research of Santa Rosa, (Argentina);
  • Ángel Garcimartín from the Department of Physics and Applied Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Navarra.
  • Iker Zuriguel, from the Department of Physics and Applied Mathematics, from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Navarra.

First contradictory and surprising results

The cameras show a group of people jogging slowly, spaced through the streets. When the bulls arrive, a large group of runners speed past the camera, right in front of the animals. People run to the side when the bulls catch up with them. Unexpectedly, the data revealed that the speed of the corridors increased with the density of the crowd, up to a point, which is the opposite of what researchers have typically found when studying the flow of people or traffic: typically, People slow down when crowds are thicker.

And the explanation given by the authors is that the results may be due to the desire of the runners to change speed during different parts of the event. As noted in Science Parisi:

“In a crowded metro station, for example, everyone wants to walk at a normal and constant pace; adding more people only slows everyone down. But in the streets of Pamplona, ??runners wait for the bulls, run for a while as they pass and then come back at a slow speed, creating a wave of density and speed around the animals. “

According to an article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, “Once the crowd increased to approximately one or two people per square meter, the maximum speed of the runners decreased dramatically, often because people it started crashing and falling. Once the crowd surpassed two people per square meter, virtually no one was able to sustain speeds greater than a light jog (about 2 meters / second). ” With this data, “Understanding precisely the speed limits imposed by overcrowding could help researchers build better models of pedestrian movement and improve evacuations in the event of fires and other emergencies,” says Parisi.

According to Science magazine in the article, the running of the bulls in Pamplona has been a unique laboratory experiment. Where else can scientists know exactly when and where people will flee for their lives? Now a study of the event reveals exactly how busy a street can get before people start tripping while sprinting at top speed.

Models to help

Based on this data obtained by Parisi and his team, the findings could help researchers model better ways to help people escape building fires and other catastrophes. According to Parisi: “The confinement is real enough to offer a rare insight into how humans behave when trying to escape danger.”

busto de cuatro metros en la plaza del castillo de Pamplona. El busto es de uno de los personajes de la casa de papel con la careta de plástico de Gaudí y capucha roja.

The defense of the Sanfermin festival in “La casa de papel”

The final season of “The paper house” is already succeeding on Netflix and we have waited a few days to tell this and not reveal anything about the plot. We are not going to tell anything that we should not but the defense of the Sanfermin festival that takes place in the protagonist “Pamplona” in these chapters has been very exciting. The actor is Ahikar Azcona, who is from Pamplona, ??and he makes this defense as if he did not need a script. In one of the chapters, a look back in time is made where the moment in which one of the members of the band chooses Pamplona as a name is discovered. At that time, faced with the advice of the other members present to change the name, he points out: “Have you not been to Pamplona? The most brutal festival in the world is celebrated there: Sanfermines. Even the Japanese come to run in front of bulls. Hemingway wrote a novel. He studies at American universities. Do you know what it’s called? It’s called FIESTA. Do you want jarana? Well, you go to the fucking Sanfermines. “

The character of Pamplona, ??as we see, makes a defense of the party very much in line with the character that is very stimulating when the Sanferminero is going for you. The worldwide diffusion of this series makes this reference to Sanfermin as one of the ones that will be seen the most around the world.

Pamplona dawns with a bust of the paper house

La Casa de Papel and Pamplona have several ties. Ahikar Azcona is from Pamplona, ??like Najwa Nimri and producer Álex Pina, although only the former usually lives in Navarra. That is why a few days ago the Vancouver production company carried out a promotional action in the Plaza del Castillo in Pamplona with the appearance of a three meter high allegorical bust. In addition, a few days later a Sanfermin scarf was applied to that bust with the brand of the band’s characters. We do not know if that last action responds to the producer or to a spontaneous one.

Red scarf.
busto de cuatro metros en la plaza del castillo de Pamplona. El busto es de uno de los personajes de la casa de papel con la careta de plástico de Gaudí y capucha roja.
La casa de papel en la plaza del castillo
encierro de Authi, Pamplona 1972 Cuesta de Santo Domingo

The running with the bulls of Authi MG Morris

This unique image corresponds to an advertisement by Authi to promote the models that were assembled in Pamplona until 1972 from its opening in 1969. The photograph is from that year although the factory operated until 1976 and was the germ of the current Volkswagen factory Navarre. In the image we can see the cars that came out of Authi until that year as they were: the Morris 1100 Traveler, Mini 1275 C, Morris 1300, Mini 850 ADO-15, Mini ADO-20 and the Mini 1275 GT.

The photograph is taken with a long exposure time that allowed the runners to be blurred and the cars that were standing still perfectly visible. As we can see, the vehicles are without a driver, since the campaign was intended for the specialized press. The image has been rescued by Ramón Ansoáin. This image corresponds to one of the first events that took advantage of the effect of the confinement for advertising.


Running with the bulls with Authi Cars, Pamplona 1972 Santo Domingo Street.

Update June 2022.

The BMW dealer Lurauto has organized a running of the bulls called “Sanfermini” which has brought together several electric “minis” recreating a complete running of the bulls with this type of car.

La imagen de San Fermín continuará presente junto al banquillo de #Osasuna. Esta vez, en una hornacina inspirada en la situada en la Cuesta de Santo Domingo, aquella a la que los corredores del Encierro piden protección con sus cánticos las mañanas del 7 al 14 de julio.

A San Fermín for the benches of Osasuna in El Sadar

Yesterday we discovered from the social networks of Osasuna and in the El Sadar stadium itself at the time of the match against Elche, that the reds has put a niche with a Sanfermin at the entrance of the changing room tunnel. According to the club, The image of San Fermín will continue to be present next to the #Osasuna bench . This time, in a niche inspired by the one located on the Cuesta de Santo Domingo, the one to which the runners of the Encierro ask for protection with their songs on the mornings of July 7 to 14. “ The relationship between Osasuna and the Sanfermin festivals is close. In 2000 and 2018 two Osasuna players launched the Chupinazo that opens the parties. Ibai Ganuza, A player from the Osasuna team that competes in La Liga Genuine, he was in charge of the 2018 launch and César Palacios, captain of the first team, did the same in 2000.

These additions are not the only ones, as we can see in the Osasuna video, a phrase decorates the exit to the field. It is a sentence of the journalist David Beriain, assassinated in Burkina Faso last April along with Roberto Fraile, and which reads like this: “Here we honor our past.”

Imagen de Mikel Lasa que ofrece una imagen desde arriba de la cuesta de SAnto Domingo que permite ver en perspectiva a la manada del encierro acercándose. Se centra en los toros mostrando una imagen que adivina la potencia de cuatro toros estremecedores

Bull ranchs to sanfermin 2022

The Casa de Misericordia de Pamplona must take steps if everything works out to celebrate Sanfermin 2022 again and has confirmed to that it will have the same bull herds announced for the 2020 Bull Fair that was not held. There will be no official confirmation as long as the authorities do not take the step, but organizing a Bull Fair needs your deadlines and commitments. For now, this gesture is a symbol for organizing the next Sanfermin festivities, still orphaned by a political endorsement. (Image by Mikel Lasa.)

According to, the confirmation has come from the MECA Bullfighting Commission that has confirmed that all the planned irons “have bulls in the field for Pamplona.”

Ymbro Fountain replaces the Port of San Lorenzo

From Sanfermin 2019, seven bull ranch repeat, and Fuente Ymbro will replace Puerto de San Lorenzo since it did not give the expected result. If we celebrate Sanfermin 2022 we will celebrate it together with Cebada Gago, Miura, José Escolar, Victoriano del Río, Jandilla and the winners in 2019, Núñez del Cuvillo and La Palmosilla.

Spot de lifelock sobre el encierro de Pamplona.

El anuncio de LifeLock con el encierro de protagonista

¿Estás viendo todas las amenazas que podrías? Es el mensaje del video de LifeLock para promover sus servicios de robos de identidad en los que está especializada esta empresa. Y qué mejor que el encierro de San Fermín para reflejar que puedes salir indemne de una situación de gran peligro, pero sucumbir ante las hojas de un sencillo ventanal. Ese es el mensaje de este anuncio de 2017 realizado por una de las agencias más importantes del mundo, DDB Chicago, para LifeLock.

El anuncio pertenece a una serie donde pequeñas cosas triviales pueden acabar con nosotros, tras sobrevivir a peligros diversos. La agencia entendió que para transmitir esa idea de fondo que soluciona LifeLock evitando los robos de identidad, el encierro cumplía con los mejores cánones creativos. El destino de estos anuncios fueron las redes sociales en Estados Unidos, donde el robo de identidad para utilizar el número de la seguridad social es más común, y existen versiones del mismo de diferente duración.

La trama, en medio de un encierro

El argumento del spot es que dos amigos se dan cuenta de que han cometido un grave error cuando se encuentran en medio de un encierro y les persigue la manada. Mientras intentan esquivar los cuernos de los toros, un hombre corre de cabeza hacia un peligro inesperado… Una señora abre las contraventanas para ventilar, que ya hace falta.

El protagonista prueba la madera de la ventana cual castor de un golpe y LifeLock entonces advierte de que las cosas que no ves aún pueden lastimarte. La segunda parte del spot recuerda su servicio de protección contra el robo de identidad busca amenazas potenciales para detenerlas antes de que las vea y está respaldado con un paquete de protección de un millón de dólares, en caso de que ocurra lo inesperado.

Simulación del encierro de Pamplona

Una de las curiosidades de esta grabación es que simula a través de diferentes efectos digitales el encierro de Pamplona por San Fermín. En la imagen que acompaña, y que corresponde a un fragmento del vídeo, podemos ver claramente de fondo el Ayuntamiento de Pamplona y, parcialmente, la casa seminario y el edificio de la Inmobiliaria Elizari de la plaza del Ayuntamiento. Esta recreación no tiene en cuenta el importante dato de que si los toros corren con ese fondo la carrera en Pamplona se estaría completando como un encierro al revés.

El protagonista del video es el californiano Jilon VanOver y la agencia creativa que ideó el anuncio es DDB Chicago, una de las agencias más importantes y reconocidas del mundo. La realización y grabación del anuncio se realizó en Los Ángeles y corrió por parte de la prestigiosa compañía Smuggler con producción de Karen O´Brien y la dirección de Guy Shelmerdine.

Shelmerdine se unió a SMUGGLER en 2002 después de ganar el premio al Mejor Director Revelación en Cannes, y fue incluido en el showcase de nuevos directores de Saatchi el mismo año. Es autor de la primera película de terror en 360 grabada en vivo: Catatonic, que da más miedo que un toro de quinientos kilos en la puerta de casa.

Mikel Goñi Leoz, a primera hora a por su sitio..

Fallece Mikel Goñi, gran fotógrafo de San Fermín

Mikel Goñi Leoz ha fallecido en Pamplona a los 58 años de edad y deja a un poco huérfana. Fue uno de los fotógrafos imprescindibles en el nacimiento y maduración de esta página y, responsable, del crecimiento de muchos de sus compañeros como fotógrafos del encierro. Muchas veces nos hemos desvelado juntos para coger sitio en el encierro, hemos celebrado la escalera y le hemos preguntado muy de mañana qué luz era la de hoy y qué velocidad correspondía para conseguir las mejores instantáneas de la carera. Le acompañamos en el sentimiento a su familia y amigos y, especialmente, a Ana.

La foto que acompaña a esta noticia no tiene el mejor encuadre, ni la mejor luz, porque cuando la sacó Mikel Lasa dirigiéndose al encierro iría medio dormido como corresponde a esas horas. Y allí estaba él. Mikel Goñi. Ocupando el mítico poste 13 desde donde todos los días que podía, hacía un plano del encierro desde la misma perspectiva. Como Harvey Keytel en Smoke, intentaba domar la esquina y para ello tenía que madrugar como ninguno.

Fotos de la fiesta

Antes de hablar de las fotos del encierro no podemos ocultar el excepcional ojo de Mikel Goñi para los detalles de la fiesta. Como fotógrafo profesional que era, añadía al dominio de la técnica eso que tienen quienes hacen algo con el corazón. Esta foto de 2012 nos encanta desde que la sacó y fue portada de y una de las más visitadas de nuestro sitio de facebook.

© Mikel Goñi

El encierro, desde el poste 13

Para recordar a Mikel Goñi debemos contar la dificultad técnica que entraña obtener imágenes desde el poste 13. Ëste está situado cuando termina el vallado entre la plaza del Ayuntamiento y el inicio de Mercaderes, debajo de la inmobiliaria Elizari. Es uno de los sitios con peor luz de todo el recorrido porque a las 8 entra un rayo de sol que suele echar al traste toda la preparación. Mikel lo domaba para conseguir contraluces increíbles.

Además, debemos añadir que la velocidad de la manada es muy alta y conseguir enfocar no es una tarea reservada para cualquiera. Incluso una vez, terminó entre los heridos por asta de toro del encierro después de un varetazo de unos de los bureles en un tobillo.

Una de las fotos que más nos gusta es esta del 13 de julio de 2007 con toros de Antonio Bañuelos donde podemos ver esta imagen de lío, desconcierto y pavor con el sol adivinando los lomos de estos poderosos animales.

© Mikel Goñi

Descanse en paz

Chupinazo de San Fermin

Suspension of the San Fermin festival in July 2020

The City Council of Pamplona has officially announced this noon the suspension of the San Fermin festival in July 2020. It has taken this decision bearing in mind that the fight against  Covid-19 has become a global priority and that there is no other option for such a massive and international festival as the Sanfermines.

Regarding the celebration of the Sanfermines on a different date in 2020, at the press conference it was indicated that the current situation does not allow us to anticipate what will happen in a few months, although it seems complicated that they can be held this year.