As we can see in the image of Javier Ibáñez, participation in today’s running of the bulls has been massive.Like many Sundays during Sanfermines, the ground along Estafeta and Mercaderes was not in the best condition because it was cleaned with less time than on other days, although the non-slip surface did its job. There has been one person gored by a bull on Estafeta, and the statistics will be misleading in the future as it was caused by a steer and not a bull.
The goring during the running of the bulls from La Palmosilla in 2024 did not involve their animals. We must also not forget that the running of the bulls was fast up to the bullring, 02:23, but the last two animals refused to enter the pens.These two bulls completed two laps around the bullring clockwise, and a half lap counterclockwise, after approaching the entrance gate which was blocked and full of runners. The situation was extremely dangerous,but nothing serious happened despite some recklessness, thanks to the hard work of the steer handlers when the bulls broke into a trot. The running of the bulls will be remembered for lasting 4’02”, but almost a minute and a half was due to the final maneuver inside the bullring. The ascent up Santo Domingo was very fast. The steers veered to the right in the direction of the run, leaving the left lane for the bulls. There were no further incidents beyond several bumps.

Like all encierros on July seventh, the cabestros did not protect the herd as they usually do in Estafeta, and the bulls collided with the barrier. Two of them fell behind from there until the end of the encierro.

En Estafeta street, we have seen great and beautiful runs in three groups of animals, although many of them were carried out in front of the cabestros who perfectly protected the herd. Only the lagging animals allowed for good runs. A small pile-up in front of Kukuxumusu has been the most dangerous incident of this encierro.

The stretch of Callejón did not generate many problems, although two of the last bulls stumbled and one of them crossed paths with a runner.