La manada entra en la plaza consistorial un 17 de marzo. Increíble, pero cierto.

Toros de cine por primavera en Pamplona

La película china Line Walker Operation Midnight Shadow incluirá el encierro de Pamplona en su trama y esta mañana se han rodado las escenas emulando un encierro de Sanfermin en primavera.

Cuando crees que lo has visto todo en Sanfermin, siempre te quedas corto. ¿Alguien podía imaginar un encierro con vallado y todo en marzo en Pamplona? Pues ya no hace falta. Ha pasado esta mañana. Y además con regalos para la vista que fuera de contexto en los próximos años volverán loco a quien descubra las imágenes. Hemos visto encierros de cuatro y seis toros a nueve grados de temperatura, hemos visto encierros al revés sin corredores y hemos visto a corredores perseguidos por un coche. La culpa de todo lo tiene la segunda entrega de la película china Line Walker. Este filme estará ambientado en Hong Kong, Madrid y Pamplona y ha provocado rodajes en Segovia, Tafalla y Pamplona. Hoy tocaba encierro en Pamplona.

Y el encierro de hoy ha sido un encierro en serio a nivel de infraestructura, con carpinteros de verdad, policía de verdad, toros de verdad, pastores de verdad y fotógrafos y periodistas de coña (figurantes). Bueno, alguno de verdad ha tenido que ir para que veáis encierros como este.

Para que salga todo bien hay que tomarse su tiempo y en aras de la seguridad y del buen trabajo ha costado arrancar la jornada. Hemos empezado con sol y casi terminamos lloviendo. A los toros no les ha importado, pero hemos visto corredores con mantas para aguantar las escasas temperaturas de esta mañana.

Corral en Santo Domingo y corredores con mantas

Los toros partían desde un corral instalado en plena cuesta de Santo Domingo junto al ayuntamiento, muy cerca de la propia plaza. Los animales han discurrido por el recorrido del encierro hasta prácticamente la bajada de Javier junto a La Casa del libro y reloj que marca el tiempo que resta para Sanfermin.

Corrales improvisados junto al Ayuntamiento de Pamplona en Santo Domingo.
Corrales improvisados junto al Ayuntamiento de Pamplona en Santo Domingo.

Después de completar una pasada y grabar una escena real o de prueba, los animales tenían que volver a los corrales y se daba la increíble escena de ver un encierro al revés sin que hubiera un toro de Escolar de por medio. A los corredores se les apartaba, pero la escena es buenísima.

La manda retorna por Mercaderes en una imagen inesperada.
La manda retorna por Mercaderes en una imagen inesperada.
Corredores ataviados de mantas para aguantar los nueve grados, ven retornar a la manada a los corrales.
Corredores ataviados de mantas para aguantar los nueve grados, ven retornar a la manada a los corrales.

Conforme la mañana ha ido avanzando los animales han dejado paso a los coches. Así como en la grabación de Tafalla de la semana pasada pudimos ver la simulación de una persecución en coche, en Pamplona hemos disfrutado de escenas similares. Una de las más espectaculares ha sido esta entrada a tope resbalando como los morlacos en plena curva con un BMW. Está claro que no había aplicado el antideslizante.

La producción de la película en España ha sido cosa de la experimentada Babieka Films y por lo que hemos visto se han encargado con profesionalidad del tema. Desde Pamplona han echado una mano para la organización tanto el Ayuntamiento de Pamplona como la
Navarra Film Commission.

El público chino cada vez más habitual en Sanfermin

El público chino es habitual en Sanfermin desde hace unos años, de hecho a través de y Sanfermin by locals han venido numerosos grupos de ciudadanos de este país. Según nos cuenta Mikel Ollo, agente Turístico de Sanfermin by locals, es previsible que con acciones como esta pueda incrementarse la demanda sanferminera de turistas chinos como ya sucedió con el público hindú cuando se grabó en Pamplona Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara. . Según nos cuenta Mikel Ollo, agente Turístico de Sanfermin by locals, es previsible que con acciones como esta pueda incrementarse la demanda sanferminera de turistas chinos como ya sucedió con el público hindú cuando se grabó en Pamplona Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara.

Mikel Ollo nos dice que desde hace tres años comenzamos a trabajar regularmente con público chino colaborando con la agencia VR Trip, la más potente a nivel online de China. Podemos contar que son gente muy interesada en las fiestas de Sanfermin,  que muestran mucha educación y respeto y a los que les llama especialmente la atención tanto el encierro como las corridas de toros”.

Según nos cuenta Mikel Ollo, de Sanfermin by locals “El perfil de los visitantes chinos que acuden a Pamplona con nosotros suelen ser parejas jóvenes y familias de hasta 5 miembros (padres, hija o hijo y abuelos). La procedencia es de China, Taiwan, Hong Kong y ciudadanos chinos residentes en Europa, Estados Unidos o España que se interesan por las fiestas de Sanfermin. Son muy de sacar fotos y les interesa mucho conocer el porqué de correr el encierro junto a los toros y vestir por lo general de blanco.”

El público chino representa tras tres años el 10% del volumen de turistas que utilizan los servicios que ofrecen y Sanfermin by Locals de la mano de Mikel Ollo y su gente. El tipo de público suele ser de nivel adquisitivo medio alto y destaca el interés por captar los detalles y conocer las razones y la motivación de todo lo que contemplan. Apunta Mikel Ollo, “es complicado cumplir con el horario establecido de las rutas ya que se esfuerzan por conocer a fondo todo lo que ven.” Inicialmente vivimos varias experiencias con grupos en 2013 y 2014, y a partir de entonces trabajamos con grupos y con clientes individuales, que no vienen con agencia de viajes organizada sino que se preparan la ruta a medida. Generalmente los grupos visitan otras partes de España o realizan el Camino de Santiago y dedican una o dos jornadas a conocer las internacionalmente famosas fiestas de Sanfermin.

Imagen de una escea de la película Shi tu xing zh

La película china “Shi tu xing zhe” se apunta a Sanfermin

El rodaje de la segunda entrega de esta película china se rueda en la ciudad de Tafalla recreando una persecución en pleno encierro de Sanfermin.

Si te digo “Shi tu xing zhe” igual te dejo frío porque no la has visto y si te lo digo en inglés “Line Walker”, a no ser que tengas Netflix y algo de suerte, te quedas igual. Sin embargo en China y Asia es el nombre de una serie y posterior película muy conocida, tanto, que están rodando la segunda parte. Y la segunda entrega de esta película se rueda en parte en Tafalla (Navarra) simulando las calles de Pamplona por Sanfermin, como puedes ver en este video.

Una vez más las referencias mundiales de valor y riesgo acaban confluyendo en el encierro de Sanfermin. Tenemos numerosos ejemplos y esta producción china se suma a la larga lista de filmes que pretenden trasladar a sus proyectos los valores de riesgo y valor que supone correr o participar en un encierro.

Te contamos algunas películas con el encierro de Sanfermin que nos gustan

Continue reading…

Encierro en zapatos de vestir

Justin Schneider, fundador de la empresa de zapatos Wolf & Shepherd, participó en un encierro con uno de sus modelos y realizó un video para promocionar las cualidades de su producto

El pasado 18 de julio vio la luz un video de la empresa americana de zapatos Wolf & Shepherd que promocionaba la comodidad de sus zapatos, sin perder elegancia, participando en uno de los encierros de San Fermín de 2018. No es muy habitual que últimamente las marcas se asocien al encierro de Sanfermin por la presión de colectivos antitaurinos, pero algunas empresas siguen queriendo asociar los valores positivos de la carrera de Pamplona con sus productos.

Para la ocasión Wolf & Shepherd contó con la participación directa de su fundador, Justin Schneider, que corrió por lo menos uno de los encierros de 2018, para grabar algunos planos de la carrera. Se puede apreciar que los planos del vídeo están obtenidos con los mansos de cola en Santo Domingo un día con lluvia, que probablemente sea el 8 de julio, y cuando corrieron los toros de José Escolar.

El mensaje del anuncio reza “Olvida lo que sabes sobre zapatos de vestir” y precisamente entendieron que participar en un encierro con este tipo de zapatos reforzaría mundialmente su marca y su producto. El propio Shepherd dijo tras el encierro: “Queríamos disipar la idea de que tus zapatos de vestir te pueden limitar de alguna manera. Se sentían perfectos al correr. Todo el tiempo y el esfuerzo que hemos puesto para hacer de estos los mejores zapatos de vestir disponibles se pudieron ver hoy”. 

Imagen desde el parque de la media luna de Pamplona en el promocional de wolf and shepherd
Imagen desde el parque de la media luna de Pamplona en el promocional de wolf and shepherd

Respecto al encierro, el fundador de Wolf & Shepherd admitió: “Fue un caos. La tierra comenzó a temblar como un terremoto tan pronto como los toros fueron liberados. La multitud aplaudía, la gente a mi alrededor cantaba… Ah, y un montón de animales salvajes de 1,500 libras corrían hacia ti. Todo fue surrealista”.

Justin Schneider trabajó para Adidas diseñando calzado de alto rendimiento y practicó atletismo de competición. A lo largo de este tiempo fue creciendo su preocupación por la falta de comodidad en el calzado de vestir. Y de allí surgió la idea de fusionar la comodidad de las zapatillas deportivas y la estética necesaria en los zapatos para acudir a trabajar. De allí surgió Wolf & Shepherd Justin se burló del primer prototipo de W&S pegando el talón de espuma de su zapatilla para correr a la suela de un viejo par de zapatos de vestir. Ahora fabricado en Europa, utilizando la tecnología de confort fabricada en Estados Unidos, Wolf & Shepherd está definiendo el nuevo zapato de vestir moderno. El zapato se diseña en Los Ángeles y se fabrica en Portugal.

Wolf & Shepherd en Sanfermin.

Australianos en peligro de extinción en Pamplona tras la renuncia de Contiki y Busabout a Sanfermin

Contiki y Busbaout ya no realizarán viajes a Sanfermin. Así lo anunciaba hace un mes Vanessa Budah, jefa de relaciones públicas de Travel Corporation en palabras recogidas en TripleJ Hack de ABC Australia. El motivo principal citado en la noticia es el maltrato animal. “Es principalmente por la razón del tratamiento de los toros”, dice Budah, y además apunta que “Si tuviéramos que seguir manteniendo algo como eso, también habría mucha reacción.”

Y reacción la ha habido, como la de una importante asociación que lo peta en defensa de algunos animales que agradece que Travel Corporation renuncie a organizar viajes a Pamplona por Sanfermin.

Si eres australiano, venir a correr el encierro ahora sí que es una experiencia única

Ahora que la mayoría de agencias de viaje australianas no realizan viajes a Sanfermin venir a Pamplona a correr el encierro se ha convertido de nuevo en una experiencia definitiva, prohibida y atractiva. Ejercer la libertad de venir a Pamplona a Sanfermin a correr con los toros no es posible en agencias como las citadas.

Sin embargo, por otra parte, hay agencias como Stoke Travel, que a su estilo, sigue apostando por Sanfermin de diferentes maneras tras quince años trabajando en Pamplona en julio.

Además, para más cachondeo, tras todo este meneo informativo puedes comprar un viaje por Europa con una parada en Pamplona en plena fiesta de Sanfermin en una de las webs de la agencia Travel Corporation . Hace un ratico nos dejaba reservar en la web tranquilamente y encontrar tres fechas en julio con parada en Pamplona durante las fiestas.

Sí que es verdad que para encontrar el viaje a Pamplona hay que darse un tiempo. No es como ir a la dark web, pero no es fácil encontrar un viaje a Pamplona en las agencias citadas. De hecho, en una de ellas no es posible encontrarlo ni por el nombre de la ciudad para otras fechas más allá o más acá de julio.

Toda Pamplona es una maltratadora de animales

En este tipo de mensajes como el que nos ocupa siempre se da por hecho que los 1,5 millones de visitantes a Pamplona el pasado julio y todos sus habitantes somos todos unos maltratadores de animales. Se da por supuesto además que en Sanfermin no hay opciones más allá del encierro y la corrida. Entender que correr el encierro o ver una corrida es maltrato animal, es también otro debate, pero nos da pereza tenerlo aquí.

Otra realidad es que la presión global contra Sanfermin no tiene su Némesis y no existe una institución que se dedique a fomentar la fiesta de Sanfermin con la misma intensidad y recursos que le dedican desde gigantes mundiales de la defensa de algunos animales. También hay que decir que otras asociaciones como Anima Naturalis llevan unos años separando la fiesta de Sanfermin de la fiesta “con sangre” y abogan por un Sanfermin sin sangre.

Ganaderías para Sanfermin 2019

Los encierros de Sanfermin 2019 contarán con la presencia de una ganadería nueva, los toros de “La Palmosilla”. Repetirán en la Feria del Toro los animales Jandilla (Feria del Toro 2018), Puerto de San Lorenzo (premio Carriquiri de la feria 2018) y los hierros de Miura, Victoriano del Río, Cebada Gago, José Escolar, Núñez del Cuvillo, habituales de la feria sanferminera.

La ganadería elegida para el festejo de rejones vuelve a ser la de “El Capea – Carmen Lorenzo” y las reses de la novillada volverán a ser de la ganadería navarra de “Pincha”.

MIURA de Lora del Río, Sevilla

VICTORIANO DEL RÍO de Guadalix de la Sierra, Madrid.

Hros. de D. JOSÉ CEBADA GAGO de Medina Sidonia, Cádiz.

JANDILLA de Mérida, Badajoz.

PUERTO DE SAN LORENZO de Tamames, Salamanca.

JOSÉ ESCOLAR GIL de Lanzahíta, Ávila.

NÚÑEZ DEL CUVILLO de Vejer de la Frontera, Cádiz.

LA PALMOSILLA de Tarifa, Cádiz.

EL CAPEA-CARMEN LORENZO de San Pelayo de la Guareña, Salamanca (rejones).

GANADERÍA DE PINCHA de Lodosa, Navarra (novillada).

The Selfie that might have cost a life in the Running of the Bulls

Eneko Morán has been taking photos of the Running of the Bulls for the past three years. This year, with the customary tension and nervousness of the first Bullrun, was added the inconvenience of having to protect his equipment from a downpour of rain, just an hour before the running of the bulls began. In spite of everything he got himself into position on the fencing and he began to shoot his camera as soon as the bullrun got underway.  And he has managed to get a pretty awesome series of photos. When he began to check his photos after the event finished, he noticed that he had captured what he thought was a knockdown made by one of the El Puerto bulls. However, when he got back to the office of, we were able to confirm that the runner who was caught by the bull had been looking at his cell phone with both hands, as if he were taking a Selfie on the stretch of the course. A reckless action that could easily have cost him his life.  .

As can be seen in the first of the images, the runner is totally unaware of the approaching bull and is focused on his cell phone. The succeeding image shows the bull catching the unsuspecting runner. (Image from Eneko Morán)

The whole sequence of photos shows exactly what happened. And it should be remembered that a Town Hall statute specifically states that all cell phones and cameras are banned from use inside the whole length of the course of the Running of the Bulls.

Los encierros con el suelo mojado


Esta mañana una tormenta ha descargado sobre el recorrido del encierro a las siete de la mañana. Los encierros en mojado son más seguros que la media sobre suelo seco. Nos apuntan varios corredores que ellos mismos toman más precauciones y que algunos incluso abandonan el recorrido del encierro, mientras que los toros no suelen variar en tiempo su carrera con lluvia o sin ella. Los últimos cinco encierros con el suelo mojado han dejado una media de duración de 2 minutos y 45 segundos y en total registraron cuatro cornadas. Se percibe claramente un número bajo de heridos, relacionado directamente con la menor presencia de corredores y con la asunción de precauciones por quienes participan en el encierro.

24 encierros se asjustan a tus criterios de búsqueda
Fecha Ganadería Duración Heridos asta Traumatismos Atendidos Piso
10/07/1980 Miura 3.46 3 No disponible Mojado
11/07/1980 Dolores Aguirre 4.58 No disponible Mojado
10/07/1981 Conde de la Corte 4.24 1 4 No disponible Mojado
12/07/1982 Ortega Sánchez 3.57 1 8 No disponible Mojado
12/07/1986 Marqués de Domecq 7.58 2 4 No disponible Mojado
09/07/1991 Cebada Gago 5.06 2 11 Mojado
10/07/1992 Conde de la Corte 3.05 2 22 Mojado
08/07/1996 Guardiola Fantoni 5.03 1 21 Mojado
09/07/1997 Maria Luisa Domínguez 6.16 1 2 14 Mojado
12/07/1999 Jandilla 2.55 3 19 Mojado
11/07/2000 Jandilla 3.49 3 12 Mojado
12/07/2000 Núñez del Cuvillo 3.44 2 8 29 Mojado
09/07/2001 Cebada Gago 3.02 2 1 21 Mojado
11/07/2001 Santiago Domecq Bohórquez 3.58 1 4 19 Mojado
11/07/2002 Jandilla 2.52 2 6 40 Mojado
14/07/2002 Miura 2.50 5 27 Mojado
07/07/2004 Torrestrella 2.40 8 35 Mojado
10/07/2004 Dolores Aguirre 2.56 2 4 28 Mojado
11/07/2004 Miura 2.23 1 2 25 Mojado
07/07/2012 Dolores Aguirre 2.53 1 5 No disponible Mojado
09/07/2014 Victoriano del Río 3.23 2 3 No disponible Mojado
12/07/2014 Fuente Ymbro 2.50 3 No disponible Mojado
07/07/2016 Fuente Ymbro 2.28 5 No disponible Mojado
13/07/2016 Núñez del Cuvillo 2.32 1 6 No disponible Mojado

Sanfermin Open Ceremony LIVE

Imagen de Jesús Diges

Este el ambiente que hemos vivido entre la gente.


12.01 La gente de Motxila 21 enciende la fiesta

11.46 se llena la plaza

11.39 Chupinazo ínter generacional

11.15 Ya no se cabe

10.55 running of the balls

10.25 comienzan las bendiciones de vino

10.05 La gente de TV3 no se pierde una juerga.  Una festa dins i fora.

09.50 Policía Municipal interviene en un encontronazo entre cuadrillas

09.20 policía municipal desaloja la plaza para controlar que quienes acceden no lo hacen con vidrio u objetos peligrosos

09.01 falta muy menosssss

08:40 Ya hay gente cogiendo sitio. Igual no llegáis

Imagen de Iñaki Vergara con los toros en abanico en la calle Estafeta.


by Matt Dowsett. Photo Iñaki Vergara.

(Written with thanks and appreciation to AFH for his valuable contribution)

“A plague on eminence! I hardly dare cross the street any more without a convoy, and I am stared at wherever I go…”

Igor Stravinsky

It is a very human trait to want to be respected, to be highly knowledgeable and to elevate oneself, not only within a social circle, but far beyond. Some would argue that it is innate; linked to our evolution and the limbic system – that part of the brain that primarily integrates emotions, motivations and behaviours. Darwin maybe would have argued that it is actually in our genes as it ensures that the elevated ones are sure to get the girl, to get fed.

Thackeray derided he who would not strive for eminence as “a poor-spirited coward.” Washington Allston would seem to agree in saying: “I am inclined to think from my own experience that the difficulty to eminence lies not in the road, but in the timidity of the traveler.”

In this modern world the desire to attain these heights has a more immediate and less forgiving arena in the online space. The push for “likes” and the need for the most “followers” on a profile drives an online behaviour that appears to be a search for fame and influence. It is even possible to measure how much online influence a person has through their “Klout” score. And it is not simply about posting dreary nonsense in order to get clicks. Andrew Gill has pointed out that: “as social media is becoming more prevalent, and people and companies are using it to make purchasing and hiring decisions, the role of social eminence is becoming critical.”

Small wonder that everybody wants to rise; this is not just influence. In ‘Leviathan’ Hobbes wrote that: “Man strives for power after power and it ceases only in death.” What is power? Eminence! Or as Hobbes more correctly put it: “‘Natural power’ is the eminence of the faculties of body or mind, as extraordinary strength, form, prudence, arts, eloquence, liberality, nobility.”

Little wonder that we strive for eminence when, deep down, we believe it will give us power.

But remember that true eminence is not just about being well known. It is possible to become well known overnight; that is fame. It is also not just about having great knowledge. It is possible to attain great knowledge through the application of ones own appetite; that is being learned. True eminence is about being respected for ones knowledge and experience, being well known for it and, as a result, having influence.

Seeking to advance oneself is always a dangerous game. The temptation to cut corners, cheat a little or even to walk over the bodies of rivals to advance is never far away. Beware that a person is never too high to fall, but more than that, reputation is a valuable treasure that is easily lost. As Baltasar Gracian said: “A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity.” Elevate, go and climb higher, but remember “The high road is always respected. Honesty and integrity are always rewarded.” (Scott Hamilton).

Additionally, Nicholas Chamfort pointed out that: “Eminence without merit earns deference without esteem.” Anyone seeking this level should expect to have a long wait and be prepared to put in the effort. But they also need to be careful. “Knowledge can be heady stuff, but easily leads to an excess of zeal – to illusions of grandeur and a desire to impress others and achieve eminence… Our search for knowledge should be ceaseless, which means that it is open-ended, never resting on laurels, degrees or past achievements.” So wrote Hugh Nibley, perhaps warning against hubris and its results.

In the world of fiesta and the encierro, there are plenty that seek an exalted position, despite there being few formal roles. The collective has no appointed leaders or positions of authority and yet many are drawn into the contest to become known, to become respected and to be seen as a figurehead for the masses in fiesta. Newcomers will attempt do demonstrate just how much they know about the history of fiesta. Perhaps they will even write a book, a blog or an article. Others will try to make their name in the encierro and gain respect through that route. Some will simply opt for longevity; returning to fiesta year after year until they naturally assume a position of respect.

Yet none of this is guaranteed to result in eminence. The person who returns time and again to Pamplona may be respected but could simply have lived the same fiesta thirty times over and never learned anything outside of the few bars and streets that they frequent. In the encierro the camera lies and a runner can make it look as though they have had an amazing run, eventually the truth will out. Not only that but respect in the encierro comes from proving oneself not just day after day, but year after year, as Nibley inferred.

Even after all of this, status in the encierro can lead to a false sense of importance. To be regarded as “divino” or divine carries a number of connotations; being so elevated as to be considered saintly, having reached a pinnacle of performance that leads to the runner being beyond reproach, but also a sarcastic or mocking term for a runner who believes themselves to be worthy of this status. To be divino is not necessarily something to aspire to. The divino who challenges the gods of the encierro can soon encounter nemesis in “valiente” form.

There is no shortage of fiesta attendees that are prepared to seek to be someone, to be known. AFH said: “I think the denial of the urge to eminence false, a pose, but its overindulgence ugly.” This implies a fine balance between feeding the desire for influence and not becoming a caricature. The question also has to be asked; “What good is power in fiesta? What does it serve and where does it lead?”

The search for eminence is at odds with the loose and chaotic nature of fiesta. In the maelstrom of Los Sanfermines, wielding power is contrary to the spontaneous, raw alegría. It inhibits it, it seeks to work against it in setting rules in an arena where the suspension of rules has long been celebrated as a cornerstone of fiesta.

And what are these cornerstones?

It could be argued that the key elements are faith, brotherhood, music, food and liberality. These do not leave much room for power to be assumed and employed, except perhaps in the world of faith. Look at the street during fiesta and you will see the evidence of the removal of controls: no or very few police or officials, the people spilling out onto the road, a huge and unmanageable mass allowed to be self-regulating, a 24-hour life, spontaneous bursts of music and dancing, a largesse that the city bathes in.

This is no place for power except that which is confined to pockets of friends or collections of the like-minded. It is a deluded kind of power as there is no real effect. The scale of San Fermín repels power leaving those who desire it to scratch out their exposure where they can: on snatched television interviews, holding court in a bar or restaurant, online activity and the written word that rapidly becomes litter, floating around the dirty streets.

Power and influence are fleeting. Everything passes and fades with time, and even the greatest leaders are only remembered in dusty history books. Shelley and his contemporary Horace Smith correctly observed that great empires fall into dust. In his poem, Ozymandias (written at the same time as the work of the same name by his friend, Shelley), Smith mused: “…what powerful but unrecorded race, once dwelt in that annihilated place.”

Some will tell you that the best parties in San Fermín are the exclusive ones, invitation only, in character-laden apartments of the old town and frequented by aficionados and their groupies every year on a certain day of fiesta. Actually the true joy of fiesta comes from diving into the swirling whirlpool of humanity and letting the flow take you with it. The white and red of Los Sanfermines may seem to some like an inhibiting uniform or a banal lack of individualism, but it is actually to be envied. The anonymous spirit can ignore all expectations and simply surrender to the flow. Power and influence come with shackles, while ignorance is bliss. How many long-term fiesta luminaries yearn to return to the fiestas of their youth? Not only to be young again, but to be free again – free of the responsibilities, burdens and expectations that come with age and influence. The faceless power of the collective alegría is stronger than the individual who has worked for 30 years to be respected on the street.

Up on the balcony of the Casa Consistorial at 11:55 on 6th July, a line of the powerful and influential stand in their pristine white clothes. In their hands a petite glass of cava. On the face of it they are the great and good of the city, the region, but in reality they carry only grey eminence. The masses do not care about them; in fact they regularly jeer at them, chant rude songs and even throw things at them. Up on the balcony it is all polite and careful conversation as they observe the seething mass below on the plaza. The crowd swirls and surges, the joy is about to explode into rapture while the eminent and influential look politely on.

“Isn’t it a marvellous view from up here,” observes one politician.

“Yes,” replies another, wistfully, “but I would rather be down there.”

Running of the Bulls Balconies. Sanfermin, Pamplona 2017

Travel Tips

Follow our advice to come to Sanfermin if you want to get the most out of the fiestas. You can find a hotel, a rented room or even come as a backpacker, but what you really need to know is how the party scene and the fiestas really thrill and buzz.

Dress in white color, it’s the Fiesta code
Make your reservation early in advance
Eat enough to stand alive!
Sleep and relax from time to time
Keep safe your luggage
In case you loose something, go to the Lost Items Office
Have a shower, or more, even if you avoid hotels
Show respect! There are rules even in Sanfermin

Dress in white color, it’s the Fiesta code

One of the characteristics of the fiesta is that everyone dresses up as they please…, but in white gear. This is not an inconvenience but rather one of the inside ways of becoming more intimate with the fiesta spirit and allowing you to party better by mixing in better with the rest of the crowd. So, the first piece of advice is to dress in white trousers or shorts or whatever, – in white – and also with a white shirt, tee shirt, or whatever. A minimum item and pretty much a must is the characteristic red necktie. All the clothes stores are selling in Kukuxumusu before and during the fiestas and they are also widely available at street markets.

In addition, it pays to wear some good quality footwear. Flip-flops and sandals are not very suitable as it is easy to step on broken glass or simply have people step on you as there are big crowds just about everywhere.

Make your reservation early in advance

Just as we advise you to let things unfold at their own time to enjoy the fiestas; we equally advise the opposite if you are planning a trip to Pamplona. You should make sure you have travel tickets to get to Pamplona well beforehand. It is also well worthwhile ensuring you have a place to sleep before you come.

Accommodation basically comes down to hotels, renting apartments or going to camping sites. We would heartily recommend going for regulated accommodation as service and quality are guaranteed. However, it may be necessary to fall back on private rented accommodation because demand is so high. You can make hotel bookings at, with a 24 hour attention service and in your own language. You can also find some tourist package offers at Sanfermin Booking where you can book a balcony from which to watch the Running of the Bulls. You could also check out our own noticeboard for private apartment renting.

Eat enough to stand alive!

The best way of keeping in form during all the partying is to make sure to eat plenty. The best thing would be to follow the locals in their habits of eating a breakfast, a mid-morning snack, a meal, an evening snack and a late dinner. There is a very wide range of offers in food during Sanfermin. From Monday thru Friday supermarkets are open but on Sundays and on the 7th of July, they are closed to the public as this is a holiday in Pamplona. However, even on those two days some small food stores would be open around the old part of the city.

While there is a wide range of restaurants, there are also some street traders at places such as -Antoniutti and Barracas- and ordinary bars that would provide some basic food and snacks or pinchos. In Sanfermin, you can expect to pay a bit more than during the rest of the year so it is a good idea to ask the price before ordering.


© Javier Martínez de la Puente

Sleep and relax from time to time

The city doubles its number of inhabitants during Sanfermin and the hotel vacancies are all filled, especially at weekends. It is permitted to sleep out in the parks and such public places but it can get cold at night (14-22 Cº) and sometimes it could rain. There are several options for sleeping in Sanfermin. From the most expensive to the cheapest in the following order: hotels, hostels, boarding-houses, camp sites, renting an apartment, renting a room and maybe just not sleeping or sleeping on the ground in some public park or similar. The best thing would be to make an early booking.

It is also quite customary to rent out apartments or rooms in Sanfermin. At our you can usually find people who are offering and searching for places. Sanfermin Booking (Powered by sanfermin by locals & offers various packets that could be of interest as they are varied and open to different kinds of travelers. You can book the balconies to the running of the bulls too.

If you can book hotel rooms or flights to Pamplona you can visit (Powered by Findor & Orbitz). If ever an issue arises you can call or email Findor team at any time (Live Chat & Voice). They’re always available and ready to help.


© Javier Martínez de la Puente

Keep safe your luggage

There is a good dependable left luggage office set up especially for the fiestas. It guarantees security and ease of mind about your things. Being able to drop off your backpack in a safe place allows you enjoy the fiestas with an easy mind as it is very hard to keep an eye on your things with such large crowds of people about

There are two Left Luggage Offices during Sanfermin where all sorts of equipment and baggage may be left. The biggest and cheapest is the one that Pamplona City Hall organizes each year at the public school of San Francisco, in the city center. It is always open from the 4th of July until the 16th of July. Spanish, English, Basque language and French and German are all spoken by some or other of the attendants. There are also changing rooms available there if you want to make a quick change of clothing. There is also a tourist information office.

Price per item of baggage or equipment for each 24 hours is about 4,5 euro. If you do take it out to have a change of clothes or whatever, then you are charged again when you put it back for safekeeping. When you leave in your pack they make a photocopy of your passport and they give you a receipt and a tag and they will charge you for the first day. To take out the pack you will need to show your passport and your tag and they check off your data with the photocopy that goes with the pack. This is the safest and best system.

There are also two rows of automatic storage lockers at the Pamplona Coach Station which work with coin slots and if you arrive by coach this might be a handier option.

In case you loose something, go to the Lost Items Office

There is a lost property service available at the local police station where everything picked up in the city is handed in and the public can come to check the articles. When someone gets so caught up in all the partying, it is sometimes difficult to keep a close eye on one’s things. If something gets lost, hopefully some honest citizen who finds it will hand it over to the municipal police or to one of the collaborators in civil protection – those people wearing an orange-colored jacket – who will see that it finds it way to the Lost Property Office.

This office obviously works intensely over the eight days of fiestas, and afterwards it remains open some days more to facilitate the recovery of objects for the public. It is also possible to fill in a form on the Pamplona City Hall web site, giving a description of the lost property and a search will be made at the Lost Property Office for the object. Should it be found, contact will then be made with the owners. You can also telephone directly to the Lost Property Office at +34 948 420 612. You can fill an online form to register your lost property, but the web are only in spanish language (You can try)


Oficina de objetos perdidos de Sanfermin. ©

Have a shower, or more, even if you avoid hotels

Pamplona during Sanfermin fiestas has some special premises, both public and private, where you can shower. After being out on the town during Sanfermin the moment comes when it is necessary to have a wash. There is a large public facility – the Casa de Baños y lavandería Pública available in the old part of town which where showers are available. This premises is located in the street – calle Hilarion Eslava 9, – very closet o the left luggage premises at San Francisco square. The best thing about using this public center is that towels and soap are also available so that it is not necessary to carry anything with you.

Many visitors avail of the public swimming pools to have a relaxing swim and do some sunbathing in the quieter hours of the day before the partying takes off again. The swimming pools in the Piscinas de Aranzadi, are public and reasonably close to the whole part of town. There you will find open air and indoor pools as well as a gym, dressing rooms, some green areas for sunbathing and even a restaurant.

piscinas de verano de aranzadi

Piscinas de Aranzadi.

Show respect! There are rules even in Sanfermin

Pamplona in San Fermin has a name for being anarchic -a place where- during the days of the Fiesta – anything goes. And that first impression, when you see the whole town in celebration, seems to conform this fact. However, it’s not quite true. Any misdemeanours are punished, just as in any other place, with a night in the caboose, or a fine or whatever. Proof that things are never too unruly is that you will see many young children with their families strolling among all the hustle and bustle. They can be seen, for example, at the exit of the “Peñas” to see how people “enjoy” themselves. Or at the “Dianas” to see the survivors from the all-night sessions.

Stepping over the line might sometimes depend on where and when you misbehave. It’s a question of using your instinct and being generally prudent at all times. Adapting and accepting the local norms and learning from what you see around you.