Pamplona City Hall wishes to eradicate all jumping from the top of the fountain in Navarrería. To this end, the council has launched a publicity campaign that they hope will make visitors, – especially the Australian, new Zealand and United Kingdom visitors – conscious of the risks involved in jumping. Their poster shows a young man jumping from the fountain and underneath is written the warning “NO. Don’t do it”. The message underlines the fact that the jumping is prohibited and that it is not a tradition of the Sanfermin fiestas. Every year there are some serious injuries suffered by jumpers and the misdemeanor is subject to the payment of a fine.
The Civic Protection Committee has stated that this campaign has been launched in order to improve the safety of visitors to the fiestas. The campaign will be spread through tour operators which are habitually used by Australian, new Zealand and United Kingdom visitors and the campaign will be targeted at the camping sites used by these visitors.
At the same time, it was also reintegrated that the campaign to encourage people to wear all-white clothes in the running of the bulls will be carried out this year.