Encierro de damas y caballeros en moto

Today the course of the Sanfermin running of the bulls was invaded by all sorts of motorbikes with their drivers as part of an initiative under the title of The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride. The world-wide event brought together on the same day in a total of 110 cities around the world a biker’s run in order to collect funds for investigation into prostrate cancer. When we entitle the heading as ladies and gentleman’s event it is because the event stipulates the wearing of a suit and best dress possible for the riders. The Pamplona event saw some  200 vehicles take part and they were driven by all kinds of people in all kinds of Smart dress where the aesthetics and the behavior of the drivers was given careful attention as laid down by the organizers of the event.

Pamplona, Madrid and Barcelona all had some of their downtown streets invaded today by these distinguished bikers who came from all over the peninsula to the nearest points of meeting. In Pamplona there were some riders from the neighboring communities and from the south of France who wished to join in this charitable event which had been organized by Alumni from University of Navarra. They have set up a page on Facebook where you can see some elegant photos of some of the ladies and gentlemen bikers.
