Group Selfies, Individual ones, pulling funny faces, touching up the Kukuxumusu blue bull… they all count when it comes to winning a Kukuxumusu “Sanselfie” T-shirt. The trend for taking selfies is just about everywhere, and even more so during Sanfermin, where cell phones, mobiles and cameras have appeared in all sorts of places at all sorts of hours, immortalizing the best moments of the fiestas.
The “Sanselfie” competition was declared open on the 6th of June and it has had quite a good response with more than 50 selfies having been submitted so far. Mr. Testis featured in quite a few of these, and it seems lots of people like to touch the blue bull on its most private parts, as if they were pure gold or maybe for good luck… and of course, he was charmed by it all.
There is only one day left to send in your latest #Sanselfies if you want to try to win a Kukuxumusu Sanselfie T-shirt. What are you waiting for? You can check out all the Sanselfies that have been submitted and the winners of the competition at