A total of 501.491, 453 visualizations and 163.762, 078 million accounts reached by these impacts are what was generated by the fiestas in Sanfermin 2014, according to data offered by Tweetbinder to Pamplona City Hall.
Most of the twits sent (149, 284) had audiovisual content, both photos and links to images, and the Running of the Bulls was once again the main protagonist of the highest number of twits generated, with 186.509, 627 impacts. The language used to twit was principally Spanish, followed by English in a rather distant second place.
As for the hashtags or labels, the most used were #SanFermin2014, at 43%, and #encierro/#encierros, at 21%, while the hashtag proposed by Pamplona City Hall, #SF14, was the least used.