Forty black and white photos on the theme of Sanfermin go to make up this exhibition under the title of “A propósito de San Fermín“. The photographer, Guillermo Navarro, today launched the event in the city hall building of Palacio del Condestable. Since 1998, this photographer has dedicated some time and work to capturing different types of curious and key “momenticos” from the Sanfermin fiestas from an anthropological point of view, and has been taking the snapshots with his own singular vision.
Guillermo Navarro, a regular contributor to, stated that the exhibition in based on three different viewpoints: Documentary, reflecting some of the hard and fast realities of the Sanfermin Fiestas and Art and Philosophy, the subjects he is currently studying at the University of Navarra. The photos express the tension between the universal and the particular, and both the fiesta and its degeneration; and it is amid this tension that his work is reflected.
The exhibition can be visited until the 30th of June, from Monday through Saturday, from 9:00 to 14:00h and from 17:00 a 21:00 p.m. During the month of July, the time schedule is the same, but from Monday through Friday, except during Sanfermin, when it will only be open on the 8th, 10th, 12th and 13th, from 11:00 to 14:00h.