City Hall will show a video every morning from 07:00 a.m. in which they will inform the general public, and especially all those thinking of taking part in The Running of the Bulls, of the norms that must be complied during this event. It will be broadcast in Spanish, Basque, English and French with a series of cartoon figures and it will repeat its broadcast every eight minutes at the following times: 07:00h, 07:08h, 07:16h, 07:24h, 07:32h y 07:40h.
The video will be broadcast on a screen placed on one of the balconies of the first floor of City hall building from 07:00 a.m. onwards until the opening of the police barrier in Mercaderes, with the aim of making it very clear that fines will be imposed for any offenses committed against the city hall norms related to The Running of the Bulls. The video shows eight points that should be followed by the runners and it stresses the things that should not be done by runners and the fines that will be imposed for any misdemeanours on the part of the runner.