Although he even had to be treated for a strain to his adductors on his right thigh, according to the medical note issued by the infirmary located in the bullring, this was no obstacle for Miguel Abellán, in pain and under duress, to be awarded with an ear with the fifth bull of the afternoon. This bull was the best one from the Torrestrella bull-ranch.
The performance from Daniel Luque, who came in at the last moment for the injured Mora, was good with the sixth bull, although he was left without his reward when he failed to make a clean killing and because the public were already with their minds and thoughts elsewhere. He did not even receive an acclamation.
Antonio Ferrera was not easy to see. He went unnoticed because he neither had a good afternoon himself nor had he a good adversary in front of him. With the first bull he managed to make a few decent moves. With the fourth bull, during the snack time for the watching pubic, he tried to find his bull without much success. Difficult bulls and he drew some murmurs from the watching crowd. And even few of them.
Reportaje gráfico: Maite H. Mateo
Antonio Ferrera: silencio y silencio
Miguel Abellán: silencio y oreja
Daniel Luque: silencio y silencio
8 julio (18:30 h.) Aguirre Ybarra.
Uceda Leal:
Francisco Marco: