Toros de Torrestrella para el quinto encierro

Fastest running: 2,15″ 10/07/1997 23,33 km/h
Slowest running: 5,10″ 10/07/2000 10,16 km/h
Average length of time: 3,09″ 16,66 km/h
Average gorings: 1,9 (21/11)
Average bruising: 3,91 (43/11)
Average number of injuries: 5,82 (64/11)


Up to the present, in their eleven previous appearances these bulls have caused 21 gorings and 43 injuries. It is in second highest bull-breed in the number of gorings it has made in Sanfermin, but as it has only participated in 11 runnings of the bulls, this makes for a very high percentage, working out at a couple of gorings per running.


This Torrestrella bull-breed is the one which has made the highest number of gorings at the stretches of City Hall and Mercaderes with four gorings made at each of these stretches. However, the most dangerous place of all with these bulls is Estafeta, where they have made a total of 8 gorings out of 21.
