We have just learned the bull-ranches selected for Feria del Toro de 2015 from a press release issued by the Casa de Misericordia organizing entity. Five of the eight bull-ranches from last year will repeat again in 2015: Victoriano Del Río, which won the “Feria del Toro” and “Carriquiri” awards in 2014, as well as the customary Miura, plus the Jandilla, Fuente Ymbro and Garcigrande – Domingo Hernádez bull-ranches. Making their debut in 2015 is the José Escolar Gil, from cattle breeding method Albaserrada, and the bulls from the Tajo y la Reina bull-ranches, owned by maestro José Miguel Arroyo, “Joselito”.
Another bull-ranch, the herederos del Conde de la Maza make a return to Sanfermines after an absence of some years. This breed fought in the bull fair of 1981, and was often to be found in the Running of the Bulls during the decades of the 70s and 80s. The good results offered by this particular bull-breed in some of the top bull rings during the 2014 season has ensured their return to Pamplona.
In both the category of the novillo bull-fighting event and in the following –day’s horse-riding matador event-, the same two bull-ranches as last year will provide the animals in 2015.
2015 bull-ranches:
MIURA, from Lora del Río, Seville.
VICTORIANO DEL RÍO, from Guadalix de la Sierra, Madrid.
JANDILLA, from Mérida, Badajoz.
Hros. del Excmo. Sr. CONDE DE LA MAZA, from Morón de la Frontera, Seville.
JOSÉ ESCOLAR GIL, from Lanzahíta, Ávila.
FUENTE YMBRO, from San José del Valle, Cádiz.
GANADERÍA EL TAJO Y GANADERÍA LA REINA, from Talavera de la Reina, Toledo
EL CAPEA, from San Pelayo de Guareña, Salamanca (rejones – horse-riding matadors)
EL PARRALEJO, from Zufre, Huelva (novillada – young bulls)