Mike fanning @RipCurl

El surfero Mick Fanning estrena “Missing” donde se le puede ver corriendo el encierro de Sanfermin

Three times world surf champion Mick Fanning was here in Pamplona for Sanfermin, 2013 and he took part in the Running of the Bulls. We can now see those images in the documentary Missing made by director Taylor Steele for Rip Curl. The video centers on a challenge made by Steele to Fanning to spend three weeks traveling with him without the surfer knowing at any time what his destination might be. The whole thing was shot on a video which later was edited to produce the final film under the title “Missing.” On the 12th of July, 2013 they turned up in Pamplona, right in the middle of fiestas and the next morning Mick took part in the running of the bulls. The bulls passed him out at the entrance to Mercaderes and he ran as far as the entrance bend leading into Estafeta Street behind the bulls. The surfer did not suffer any kind of mishap and came out of the trial with some style, but the film director was not so lucky because Taylor Steele had to be treated for a severe case of gastroenteritis at the Hospital of Navarra, which we can see in the trailer offered by Rip Curl. He lied to the doctors to get a quick discharge so as to be able to continue his travels with Mike Fanning.

Mike Fanning was recognized in the Pamplona streets by some of his compatriots as we can see in this video from Fintan Gillespie.

The documentary lasts 37 minutes and it can be watched or downloaded here.