www.sanfermin.com and Destino Navarra have joined forces to form sanfermin.com/Booking to help you find the best tourist deal for the San Fermin fiesta and offer you advice or organize the best travel plan for your enjoyment. sanfermin.com is the leading website when it comes to finding out all about the fiesta and accessing different information, leisure and practical services. Mikel Ollo is the CEO of Destino Navarra, has extensive experience as a travel agent and personally manages Sanfermin.com/Booking. The team is from Pamplona and knows things about the fiesta and events that you should not miss.
Sanfermin.com/Booking has extensive experience in San-Fermin-related tourism management, works without intermediaries and guarantees the highest quality of all the products that it offers, not to mention absolute security and transparency when it comes to paying for its services and in its relationships with its providers.