7th July

Gora Sanfermin!

6.45 Reveilles. Parade starts at Calle Chapitela. La Pamplonesa Brass Band

7.00-15.00 Traditional Horse Fair. Polígono Agustinos. (5 min on car).

8.00 First running of the bulls. Núñez del Cuvillo ranch.

We consider this bull run the most dangerous in recent years, mainly because the entire structure, including participants and ranches, has not participated in a bull run for three years. Prudence and preparation.

The runs of the bulls of Núñez del Cuvillo complete the running of the bulls in an average of 2’32?». They are faster now than when they arrived at Sanfermin in 1995, but they are also increasingly dangerous , since the average of their last running of the bulls leaves us with 1.2 gorings per race and five injuries on average.

Their last race in Pamplona on July 12, 2019 was very dangerous and they left three crashes and the fastest race they have completed in Pamplona. There were no major incidents in terms of flow, but the bulls defeated and wounded. According to the data we handle through our Bullrunning Analytics tool ,  the most dangerous section to run with this herd is Santo Domingo. Of the 13 gorings of these burels in the confinement, 5 have had the Santo Domingo section as the protagonist. It should be noted that Santo Domingo is the stretch where there are more gorings in the running of the bulls and gathers 22.57% of the total number of gorings registered in the race (65). 

9.30 Giants & Big Heads. Parade of the troupe starts atEzpeleta Palace (Calle Mayor).

10.00 San Fermín’s Procesison and Mass The city council in full dress picks up the Cathedral Chapter and then they march to the Chapel of San Fermín. Solemn mass held in honour of the Saint, presided by the Archbishop of Pamplona and the Cathedral Chapter, with music performed by the Cathedral’s Music Chapel, the Orfeón Pamplonés choir and orchestra of professors. Works by L. van Beethoven, Hilarión Eslava, Aurelio Sagaseta, J. Haydn, etc. Conducted by the Cathedral’s Music Chapter Master.

11.00 SPORT Kids. Moats in Media Luna Park. Sports and recreational area in collaboration with sports federations. Children 8 to 14 (recommended). Until 1:30 p.m.

11.30 ¡Menudas Fiestas! Plaza de la Libertad. Activities for children.

11.30 Birjolastu. Taconera Park. Play area made with recycled materials by Compañía PAI.
11.30 Kirol Ari. Sports & leisure area by the sports associations stands. For 8-14 year-olds (flexible age range). Fuerte de San Bartolomé. Ajedrez, balonmano, esgrima, fútbol, gimnasia, taekwondo, golf, piragüismo, tiro con arco.

12.00 Música en la calle. Salida desde Frontón Labrit,  calle Descalzos y San Nicolás

17.30 Desfile de Caballeros, mulillas y banda de música desde la Plaza Consistorial hasta la Plaza de toros.

17.30 Birjolastu. Taconera Park. Play area made with recycled materials by Compañía PAI.

18:00 ¡Menudas Fiestas! Plaza de la Libertad. Activities for children.

18.00 Kirol Ari. Sports & leisure area by the sports associations stands. For 8-14 year-olds (flexible age range). Fuerte de San Bartolomé. ajedrez, balonmano, esgrima, fútbol, gimnasia, taekwondo, golf, piragüismo, tiro con arco.

Do you know the bullfight in Pamplona?

18.30 Fist Bullfight with the Puerto de San Lorenzo ranches from Tamames (Salamanca) for the bullfighters Emilio de JustoAlberto López Simón y Ginés Marín.

19:00 Open Air Dance. Plaza del Castillo. Orquesta Super Hollywood

19:00 Show for Kids Gora Kasete!. By Eidabe Paseo Sarasate.

20.00 VerbenaPlaza de la Cruz. Orquesta Oceanic. Hasta las 22:00.

Puppets and Marionnettes. Plaza de la Libertad. Gorgorito y Garrafito en la India. Maese Villajero Marionettes (in Spanish).

20.00, Live Music. Plaza de la Compañía. Jarel Babel

20.00 Teen Zone Plaza de los Fueros. Amaya Arboniés. Attractions: Catch-the-mole, pinball & wipeout. Workshop “Customize Your San Fermín Outfit”. Foam party. #Goldendjs. (12-17 year-olds).

20.00 Open Air Dance. Plaza de la Cruz. Orquesta Isaura

21.00 Popular Folk Dance. Txistu and gaita Plaza del Castillo

Teatro en la calle. Avda. Carlos III.

21.00 Street Theatre Show. Candore. By Bambolea (Madrid). Avda. Carlos III.

21.45 Firework Bull-Run. Cuesta de Santo Domingo, Plaza Consistorial, Calle Nueva.

23.00 20th San Fermín International Firework Designer Competition.

Citadel. Fire Dance. Designer: Aitor Valdecantos Martínez de Lecea. Company Valecea: Pir, S.L. (Berantevilla, Alava, Spain)

Open Air Dance. Plaza de la Cruz. Orquesta Isaura

23:30 Open Air Dance. Orquesta Super Hollywood. Plaza del Castillo.

23.30 Open Air Dance. Plaza de la Cruz. Orquesta Isaura

23:45 Concierto. Plaza de la Compañía. .

00.00 Música en la calle. Salida desde San Nicolás