Toros de Miura para el último encierro

Their fastest run: 2,13” 2006/7/9 23,6 Km/h
Their slowest run: 4,58″ 11/7/1980 11,16 km/h
Average time to cover the course: 3.36″ 15,29 km/h
Average number of gorings per run: 0,36
Average number of traumatisms: 4,66
Average number of injuries: 5,03

The legend of their highly noble behavior and superb size is beginning to change over these last few years. More recently, while they have not lost their noble behavior or their superb size, they do seem to have improved in speed and in danger, and are now more likely to cause some gorings than they used to do.

These bulls tend to run close together, but their large size means that they can also easily slip up at the Mercaderes stretch, especially at the corner. Over some of the most recent running of the bulls these Miura bulls which have become detached from the others and which have had to run alone, have created some very dangerous moments. They have slipped up because of their size and not because they are, in any way, tired and so they still have all their strength to cause mayhem if given the opportunity.