Toros de Fuente Ymbro en el séptimo encierro

Fastest running: 2,23″ 13/07/2009 22,02 km/h
Slowest running: 8,22″ 9/07/2010 6,23 km/h
Average time: 3,05″ 17,02 km/h
Average gorings: 0,4 (3 in 8 bullrunnings)
Average injuries: 3,13 (25 in total)
Average bruising caused: 3,5 (28 in total)


They have caused 3 gorings and 25 injuries. While this bull-breed is not considered among the most dangerous in the running of the bulls, nevertheless they have been awarded the prize of the best fighting bull of the year on 7 occasions out of a total of only 8 appearances between the Feria del Toro and the Carriquiri awards.


The stretch of Estafeta Street is the most dangerous with this bull-breed, where they have caused two gorings out of their total of 3 gorings in all. Over their last few appearances some of these bulls have tended to get separated as they have a very rapid pace and this generally creates dangerous situations.