Toros de El Pilar para el sexto encierro

Their fastest run: 2, 11″ 13/7/2011 24,6km/h
Their slowest run:
3, 20″ 13/7/1997 15, 75 km
Average time to cover the course: 2.42″ 19, 4 km/h
Average number of gorings per run: 0.5
Average number of traumatisms: 4. 17/53
Average number of injuries: 5, 37
Average number of bruising: 4. 17/53.


In four previous participations these bulls caused two injuries from gorings and 16 traumatisms. This bull-farm is the fastest and it holds the record for the fastest run ever on the 13th of July, 2011 which lasted just 2 min. and 11 sec. In addition, another of their runs is among the top five fastest and yet another is among the top twenty fastest runs ever.


Perhaps the most dangerous stretch of the course with these bulls is Estafeta as both their gorings occurred here. Habitually they tend to stay close together in a pack when they run and they do not tend to slip up at the corner of Mercaderes. Nor do they tend to charge on either side as they run.