Photo from @Davey_pigeon

The Running of the Bulls in the Stride chewing gum wrappers in The USA

Our photographer and friend, Maite H. Mateo last Saturday innocently opened a packet of chewing gum in New York and she was pleasantly surprised to find an allegorical image of the Sanfermin Running of the Bulls in the interior of the wrapping. She wasted no time in letting us know and we too can’t resist letting everyone know about this curious case. The fact is that the American Stride Brand of chewing gum has decorated the inside of its packet of 14 wrappers of Spearmint with an image taken from the Pamplona Bullrunning, although we cannot pin down the exact day or year.

The Spearmint Stride Gum with 14 pieces

Stride is one of the leading chewing gum companies in The USA and well-known for its humorous publicity strategies as well as being innovative, especially as they were the first chewing gum manufacturer to eliminate sugar as well as producing a wrapper that could be chewed along with the gum. Its slogan: “The chewing-gum that lasts a ridiculously long time” became quite famous and in this case, to accompany the image of the bullrunning, they have come up with the caption “MadIntenseGum”

This little anecdote once again shows us the repercussion that Sanfermin fiestas and the Pamplona Running of the Bulls has among the North American public in terms of daring and folly. Last week we told you about the latest American Express Commercial with the Running of the Bulls as protagonist and now we have just heard about this successful chewing-gum promotion, although it is aimed at a very different sector of the public.

Thanks a lot Maite, for the heads-up.