Ears in the rain

It rained cats and dogs. But no matter. The horseback bullfighters did not get wrinkled and the end result was a shower of ears Awards for the matadors. It was an unarguable triumph for Roberto Armendáriz, a display (yet another) from Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza and a merited ovation for Sergio Galán. A shower of awards would be the easy newspaper headline.

Armendáriz was lucky to get his third bull before the heavens opened and he got everything he could out of the Carmen Lorenzo bull and more. With his second, things worsened as the arena by now had turned into a mire, but even so, he was awarded one ear here. And he was deservedly carried shoulder high (yet again) in a great afternoon’s performance.

The performance of Hermoso de Mendoza was less brilliant but equally meritorious. Great work with the first bull without any award while, in the second, in the rain, he was awarded an ear in a memorable performance watched by some enraptured fans who withstood the rainfall and stayed in their exposed ringside seats to watch him. A similar compensation was given to Galán, who also had to fight his two bulls in the heavy rain. And, although he failed to make a clean kill, he deserved the award of the ear which he was conceded.

6th July. Carmen Lorenzo. Rejones (horseback matadors)
Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza: applause and ears
Sergio Galán: applause and an ear
Roberto Armendáriz: 2 ears and 1 ear


Fotos: Patxi González

7 julio (18:30 h.) Torrestrella
Antonio Ferrera:
Miguel Abellán:
Daniel Luque: