Keler Arzak y Sanfermin

The Running of the Bulls in the Keler commercial and Arzak from the balcony of

Keler Beer has launched a video commercial which features Juan Mari Arzak where in the background you can see a Sanfermin bullrunning taking place, filmed from the balconies of the offices. The images were shot on the 8th of July under the careful supervision of the media company Taupa Productions under the direction of Txarli Lonegan. It was necessary to overlap the image of the bulls entering the corner of Estafeta, with a bottle of Keler beer. The initial idea was to show the bottle of beer in the hand of a runner wearing one of the characteristic smocks from a Peña club, but the candidates drank their sample bottles beforehand and it was necessary to preplan things to get the final result shown here.

The slogan of the commercial turns on the idea of a comment off-screen made by Juan Mari Arzak which goes “Perhaps it is not for everyone. But for those who love me, they will love me forever.” With an ambiguous slant in the slogan that leaves the listener wondering whether it refers to the famous chef, to the beer, or to the two things. Juan Mari Arzak has been a regular attendant at Sanfermin fiestas for many years now, and he has many Friends in Pamplona such as Juan Mari Idoate or Mikel Urmeneta. We have good memories of him as he cheered us up while watching José Andrés prepare the recipe for the Kulumutxu drink in Sanfermin 2008.

And this is how the commercial was finally edited and presented which also coincides with the 25th anniversary celebrated this year for the three-star Michelin first awarded to his restaurant twenty-five years ago. The homage to the famous chef took place at the International Gastronomy Congress in San Sebastian and Arzak expressed his pride and satisfaction at receiving this homage. He will always have a place in our hearts.