The Colombian, Bolívar, the best with the Miura bullfights, in spite of being thrown

Luis Bolívar, from Colombia, was the best matador, without any doubt, in the closing afternoon bullfights of the Feria del Toro 2014. With an intelligent performance, showing off his skill with the cape, and taking risks with his sword-work, he was awarded one ear. It could have all gone wrong because he went all out for the kill knowing it was his opportunity and the bull threw him with a toss that almost cost him dear. A mortal thrust and an ear was awarded. He could not complete his afternoon’s work because the second bull was not up to much and fizzled out early. But he did get an appreciative ovation from the public.

Esaú Fernández did not have any luck. The first bull was the worst of the lot. Yet dangerous for a bullfighter without much experience in these type of situations. And the second bull, the infamous, Olivito, the same bull that had caused the gorings in this morning’s Running of the Bulls, was a bull to achieve some fame with. But Esaú, after a good performance with his cape-work, got entangled with his sword-work and ended up being jeered and booed on what could have been a good day for him.

Javier Castaño did not get best bulls, and knowing the score, he sorted things out as rapidly as possible and decided to wait for a better day to prove his worth.

14th July. Miura.
Javier Castaño: silence and silence
Luis Bolívar: ear y applause
Esaú Fernández: silence and jeers

Fotos: Patxi González
Fotos: Maite H. Mateo