San Fermín 2013 entre los términos más buscados en Google este año

Google has published the results of Google Zeitgeist 2013 where the most-requested terms and expressions on the Internet were searched for are listed. According to this data, the term San Fermín 2013 was the fifth most searched-for within Spain, under the category “Social Events”. In this section, San Fermín competes in interest with such events as the train crash known as the “Accidente Santiago” as well as the la Olympic candidature “Madrid 2020” which take the top places on the list. Sanfermin 2013 is at the top of the list of fiestas although it was also surpassed in interest by the Google “Semana Santa 2013” and “Carnaval 2013”. Although it must be admitted that these searches were nationwide to check all possible parties within the territory of the whole state. Without being a definitive sign, the use of the Google searcher does suggest that this data is relevant when it comes to testing the interest that exists about the San Fermín fiestas. It shows that in 2013 there was more interest shown in the Sanfermin fiestas than in the marathon attack in Boston – the “Atentado de Boston” or indeed in “Halloween 2013”. Internet is now the main media used for getting information about the Sanfermin fiestas and Google is the preferred platform when it comes to comparing search sites.

Furthermore, searches about the running of the Bulls have undergone a significant increase compared to 2012. The term “Encierro” in 2013 was double the figure of the previous year. The previsions of searches offered by Google are pretty low compared to other years, but this data is pretty normal because popular interest for these expressions only start to appear from January onwards which is when people begin to think about going to the Sanfermin fiestas and the information on offer is being increased on the web pages.