A video of the Sanfermin Running of the Bulls is chosen as the third best 360º of 2014

A video of the Sanfermin 2014 Bullrunning on the 9th of July and shot in the latest 360 degree technique by Opanibia Films has been selected by the principal media firm in this sector –360Heros.com– as one of the10 best scenes filmed in 2014. 360Heros is a USA web site which is considered a reference within the sector of filming in 360 degrees with GoPro Hero cameras. This prestige site is due to the fact that 360Heros avails of a world-wide server that allows these videos to be reproduced and because they create and commercialize the most-used supports to achieve spherical images with these types of cameras.

Opanibia Films used one of the 360Heros supports in order to record the video which has now been acclaimed. The video sequence was filmed from the balcony of the bar CerveceríaTxirrintxa in Calle Estafeta, right in front of the Kukuxumusu T-shirt store. In addition, the sequence shows (0:22? seconds) a goring which took place in the bullrunning that same day. (Check out the Running of the bulls with the Victoriano del Río bulls on the 9th of July at Sanfermin.com)