Carousing, partying, debauchery, merriment. Year after year, Sanfermin never fails to deliver an authentic rave-up. And here at Kukuxumusu we too join whole-heartedly in all the fun with our drawings, our up-to-the-minute reports at the web page and also by organizing some cool scenes so that the thousands of visitors who come from all over the world will depart happy and content and ready to return the following year for more of the same.
We have often told the story of how Kukuxumusu came into being, when three close friends decided to try to make some beer money during fiestas when they needed to pay for all those kalimotxo drinks over the fiestas (that particular potion is a mixture of wine and coca-cola) and which goes down so easily at all the partying.
So I guess it is just inevitable that when the 6th of July is drawing near, our blood starts warming up. And this year, on top of everything, we got it into our heads to carry out a total face-lift of our web page. So, whenever you link up to the fiestas with your cell phone, Tablet or laptop you won’t miss a single detail of the party scene and you can surf around like an alligator or an eagle or whatever else you are having.
What can you find on our revamped web page? First and foremost, it means you can dive straight in to the Sanfermin fiestas and catch on up everything just as if it was one of your mates giving it to you straight and true. Here you will find all the info that you need about the fiestas and learn about all the things you never knew how to ask about before, or that maybe nobody wanted to tell you.
For example, we explain how The Running of the Bulls should be run, or maybe warn you about how it should not be run; how to find accommodation that fits your pocket, where the best bars are to be found, what the local gangs of friends are up to on the opening day of the Txupinazo, how to survive a nine-day-long rave-up that also lasts nine long nights; how to fit into the party scene without looking like you just dropped in from another planet; what to do in those dead hours in between all the partying, how to get a ticket for the bullfights and enjoy a wild party scene with the local Peña clubs; have a daily check on what the entertainment program holds for each day, and lots of endless stuff like that related to the Sanfermin fiestas.
What makes Sanfermin so different from any other fiesta in the whole world is the fact that you dress up in white gear and you tie a red bandana around your neck, you hydrate the best you can and you get stuck into the street partying and give it all that you’ve got… at least as long as the body lasts!
Suddenly, you might find yourself seduced by the sound of a txaranga brass band that leads you dancing from bar to bar and amid all the laughs, the sangría, the beer, the motley crowd of partymakers, you can vent all your pent-up stress from the rest of the year in gay abandon. And you never know where or with whom you might end up. The party is on the street.
Another popular section that we recommend checking out at our web page, if you are the curious type, is our Encierro-gauge with all the data on the Running of the Bulls: how many gorings, how long the run lasts, the different bull-ranches, the dangerous moments…… and, of course, if you do take part in the Running of the Bulls event, you may find yourself among the many photos we publish each day on the web page : we are the first to publish photos each morning and you will find some of the best ones here.
Of course we will also have some amusing or curious anecdotes, tales, information on some of the customs and traditions of the fiestas and info on many personalities who have enjoyed Sanfermin fiestas, such as the American writer, Ernest Hemingway, who opened the eyes of the Anglo-Saxon world to the fiestas with his writings.
We sure hope that you can all make it in person sooner or later to the best fiestas in the whole world and enjoy yourself to the full. It is not for nothing that many thousands of visitors repeat year after year when they come from all four corners of the globe to enjoy themselves…or destroy themselves in the process…
If you have not yet made up your mind to come in person, make sure you have a daily look at our web page, and you will soon warm to the idea of planning a trip. You could consider doing it in style, with your partner, your family, with some guys from work… rent a balcony to watch the Running of the Bulls or the Txupinazo opening event, go to a bullfight and come out looking like an easel of paint, or have a terrace dinner and watch the fireworks display at the same time and when you are all spent out, you slip away and have a good sound sleep in a quiet hotel.
In any case, you can follow the party action by checking out our daily blog, surfing Facebook and following us at Twitter. You will get an insight into the fiestas as nobody else could quite give it to you. You can also meet our own Testis, the Kukuxumusu blue bull, and see how it lives the fiesta scene … and how it livens things up wherever it goes!
Ah! Don’t forget your Sanfermin gear while stocks last: The Kukuxumusu special collection for Sanfermin usually runs out within a couple of days. Forewarned is to be forearmed!