Ganaderías para Sanfermin 2013, vuelven Torrestrella y Alcurrucén y se caen Domecq y Torrehandilla

The Bullfights Committee from the Casa de Misericordia in Pamplona has issued a press statement this morning with their definitive list for the bullfights for the Sanfermin fiestas Feria del Toro 2013. Torrestrella and Alcurrucén will return once again this year while the two bull breeds Domecq and Terrehandilla-Torreherberos are dropped from this coming year’s program. the full program will be made up of the following bull ranches: Miura, Victoriano del Río Cortés, Cebada Gago, Torrestrella, Dolores Aguirre, Alcurrucén, El Pilar and Fuente Ymbro.

Further statistical data may be found at Encierrometer de

Dolores Aguirre. Constantina (Seville). In 2013 this breed will take part in their 14th event. Up to now they have run 13 times in the running of the bulls with a total of 14 gorings (1, 08 on average) which occurred on 9 of these days. Dolores Aguirre is the bull-ranch with the11th highest number of gorings.

Miura. Lora del Río (Seville). In 2013 this breed will reach the figure of 34 participations. In 32 runnings (1980 -they did not run-) this Miura bull breed caused 12 wounds from gorings and caused another 149 injuries from bruising and injuries. Their run in Sanfermin 2012 was a very fast one for this particular breed, which finished in the rapid time of 2.27″. The Miura bulls behaved well on the day and did not attempt any charges at the runners, something which had become an increasing tendency in recent years.

El Pilar y Moisés Fraile. Tamames (Salamanca). In 2013, they will run their 5th running of the bulls in Sanfermin. From their previous 4 participations they caused 2 gorings and 16 other injuries. This breed is the fastest of the Sanfermin running of the bulls and they hold the record for the shortest ever run when in the running of the bulls of 13th of July, 2011 they covered the course in precisely 2 min. 11sec.

Cebada Gago. Medina Sidonia (Cadiz). In 2013 they will run for the 28th time in the Sanfermin running of the bulls (ever since1980). From 27 running of the bulls this breed caused a total of 46 gorings and 99 other injuries. their mean average of injuries works out at 1, 7 per running – the highest of any of the bull-breeds. The stretch where they cause the most damage is in the final stretch leading down into the bullring where they have made 14 gorings over their 28 appearances.

Fuente Ymbro. San José del Valle (Cadiz). In 2013 they will run their 9th running of the bulls in Sanfermin. They have caused in total 3 gorings and some 25 other injuries.

Victoriano del Río Cortés y Toros de Cortés. Guadalix de la Sierra (Madrid). In 2013 they will take part in their 4th running of the bulls in Sanfermin. up to now, in their 3 runnings, they have caused two gorings and 15 other injuries.

Alcurrucén. Urda (Toledo). In 2013 they will take part in their 5th running of the bulls in Sanfermin. In their four previous appearances in the running of the bulls (the last was on the 7th of July, 2009) they never committed any gorings and have only caused 17 other types of injury. This is one of the least dangerous bull-breeds – according to the statistics – and one of the fastest as their average time works out at between 2.19 and 2.46.

Torrestrella. Medina Sidonia (Cadiz). In 2013 Torrestrella will participate in their 12th running of the bulls. Up to now, over their previous eleven appearances they have caused 21 gorings and a total of 43 other injuries. This is the second most dangerous bull-breed for causing gorings, as the average figure works out at a couple of gorings for each participation. ThisTorrestrella bull breed tend to cause the most damage at the Town Hall stretch and in Mercaderes where they have caused 4 gorings in each of these places. However, an even more dangerous stretch is Estafeta when these Torrestrella run as here they made a total of 8 gorings here.