According to a statement issued by the Pamplona theater through the web page the three pieces ; “Fiambre” by Patxi Irurzun, “Los abuelos por San Fermín” by Josu Castillo and “Pum” by Miguel Munárriz have been selected by the jury to make up the cycle of plays “San Fermín, on stage” which, as in 2011, will be put on at the Gayarre theater before this year’s coming fiestas take off. This is the first time that the Fundación Municipal Teatro Gayarre Foundation have created this contest in which a total of 15 scripts were entered and which awards a prize of 1000 euro for each selected drama piece and which will then appear on the stage.
The Jury was made up of Alfredo Sanzol, Ignacio Aranguren, Laura Laiglesia, Teresa Lasheras, José Mari Moreno and Ignacio Murillo. Through a communication released by the theater we learn that “The three pieces touch on different aspects of the fiestas and from different viewpoints which can be complementary and which the jury feels will work well with a live audience in a combined theater program. That is to say, comedy in the case of Los abuelos por San Fermín, experimental theater in the case of Fiambre and an interesting sociological viewpoint in the case of Pum.”