Fauna variada

A stroll through the streets of Iruñea/Pamplona on the morning of the 7th of July means you can run the risk of coming across just about anything and everything. There are those revelers who have been at a continual partying frenzy for the past 24 hours and who now slowly drag their tired bodies home to rest. Others are already crashing out on benches and parks and any green spot they can find across the city. Some others still have enough stomach to take a breakfast at some bar or other. Others are getting ready to take part in the running of the bulls. And some families are already gathering at favorite spots to watch the imminent procession of the saint.

There is a strong contrast between the bright clean white clothes recently ironed and the dirty wine-colored garments worn by the revelers; equally strong is the contrast in the bright excited eyes of those waiting for the procession and the tired eyes hiding behind the shaded sunglasses; a strong contrast too, between the pair of strolling senior citizens firmly holding hands and the groping and touching of unfamiliar bodies entangled on the hard ground of some park or other. Everything and anything goes in Sanfermin.

In the early hours of the day, the different species of the Sanfermin fauna coexist in tolerant normality in this interesting and enriching mixture where each and everyone looks for their place within the fiestas; be it a bed, a saint, a glass of wine, a bull, a brunch…

More photos from the 7th of July