A runner from Valencia, seriously wounded

Video FilmXtreme/Opabinia

Video RTVE

In addition to the North-American, Bill Hillmann,, there was another serious goring today from the Victoriano del Río bulls. A 35 year-old runner from Valencia, J.R.P. received a goring to his thorax area. According to a medical statement issued by the Hospital of Navarra, his condition is serious.

J.R.P. sufre 3 heridas por asta, según el parte de heridos.

-Una axilar que penetra ampliamente en cavidad. Se realiza toracotomía
derecha y se comprueba dehiscencia de espacio intercostal 3º a la altura de la
herida axilar, y múltiples fracturas costales derechas. Se explora la cavidad sin
apreciarse heridas pulmonares significativas.

-Herida por asta de toro región escapular y hombro, que tiene un trayecto
hacia adelante disecando el espacio entre clavícula y primera costilla, sin
penetrar en tórax en ese lado; afecta a musculatura trapecio y supraespinoso
con trayecto superior y anterior. Fractura de escápula

-Herida por asta con orificio de entrada a nivel de cresta iliaca izquierda de
unos 7cm. Trayecto ascendente de 16 cm y medial de 11cm que diseca
subcutáneo sin afectar a estructuras vitales ni penetrar en cavidad abdominal

Another three runners had been earlier taken to hospital suffering from diverse contusions. All three have now been discharged from hospital.


Javier Martinez

The Victorianos cause two gorings

This fifth appearance of the Victoriano del Río Bulls at San Fermin has turned out to be the most dangerous bullrunning of the fiestas so far this year. The bulls were always ready to take on the runners along the whole stretch of the course. The fame of this bull-breed for covering the course in fast times and with the statistical figure of having the fastest average of any of the bull-breeds did not materialize today.

At the first stretch in Santo Domingo two Bulls burst ahead of the rest of the pack and they remained in front for the rest of the run, showing a very fast pace. They ran in a threatening fashion, ready to charge on either side, but in fact, they did not cause any actual danger to the runners, even though it was difficult for the runners to keep up with their pace. The real danger however, came from a bull which got left behind from the rest of the pack and became disorientated. The bull threatened to turn back several times and it took some time for the runners to convince it to keep moving ahead but it was eventually lead into the bullring quite skillfully by some of the runners. All the bulls went quickly off to the pens without more ado.

North-American writer is gored

North-American, Bill Hillmann received goring at the Telefónica stretch as he was heading down into the bullring, as can be seen in this sequence of photos taken by photographer, Mikel Ciáurriz. The young man had just tripped up and had fallen face up on the ground when the Victoriano bull gored him in his right leg.

Hillman suffered two gorings, both to his right thigh. The medical report states that there is “a wound to his interior lower right thigh in the distal area near to his knee and another wound in the interior face of the lower thigh. The nerve area is not affected.” His condition is said to be “not serious.”

A report on his condition will follow shortly. Hillmann is a thirty-two year-old from Chicago. He recently published the book, “How to survive the bulls of Pamplona”, in co-authorship with John Hemingway, Joe Distler and Alexander Fiske-Harrison, as was reported by Sanfermin.com just a short month ago. In addition, he has published an article on our web page, entitled “Sleepers”. Hillman is an experienced runner, having been a regular runner for more than a decade.


Bill Hillmann, moments before getting the goring. See the full sequence below.

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Hillmann’s Facebook profile provides some details of his relationship with the Sanfermin fiestas. His main photo on this social network is precisely one that shows him helping pull out some people from the pile-up crush in last year’s running of the bulls in the bullring. In addition, he tells us that upon his arrival this year to Pamplona, on the 6th of July, he lost his passport, laptop and some medication.

Mikel Ciaurriz, the photographer who captured the photos of Bill Hillmnan being gored, paid the runner a visit this morning in the hospital. Hillmann was in good form and accompanied by his girlfriend.

John Hemingway spoke to us about the book he wrote in collaboration with Bill Hillmann on the txupinazo opening day on the 6th of July


An Englishman is seriously injured in Estafeta and a Japanese suffers contusion in Mercaderes

Shortly before noon today the Navarra Public Hospital Complex issued a report stating that a young twenty-three year-old Englishman has been admitted to hospital suffering from a thorax contusion and hemo-neurothorax with several fractured ribs. His condition is serious. It seems that he did not require immediate attention after this morning’s bullrunning, but rather, only began to feel bad several minutes later and he was taken to hospital by normal ambulance and not the special services that work at the running of the bulls. Thus, his removal to hospital was not covered by the media at first.

One of the two injured runners suffering from contusion at this morning’s running of the bulls is a Japanese man Y.Y. who is aged 23. He is from the city of Okayama. According to the statement issued by Navarra Public Hospital, he is suffering from contusion to his right knee and to his right elbow after suffering a spectacular fall at the Mercaderes stretch. He has already been discharged from hospital this morning.

It is not very usual to come across any Japanese runners at the Running of the bulls and much less to find an injured runner.

In fact, checking our data file, there is no record of any Japanese ever being gored in the bullrunnings, and there is only one case of an injured runner.

This was a runner by the name of Kayoko Enokizono, who suffered an injury to his knee on the 11th of July, 1994.

In addition to the Japanese runner, a 36-year-old man from Pamplona suffered bruising to the ribs, which is not serious. He remains in observation.

Meanwhile, three of yesterday’s five injured runners remain hospitalized. 34-year old A.G.O. from Guipuzcoa is suffering from thorax contusion to his left hemonuerothorax and multiple bruising to his ribs. His condition is serious.

V.O.M. from Valencia is suffering from a fractured shinbone and peroné.
The runner from Navarra, M.J.B. who suffering a six-centimeter goring to his perineal region is making satisfactory progress.

Photos and Info Running of the Bulls 8th July.

Gorings in Santo Domingo y Estafeta

In 2014, Dolores Aguirre bull-ranch, from Constantina (Seville), will take part in their 15th running of the bulls. Up to the present this bull-breed has taken part in 14 bullrunnings. There have been a total of 14 runners gored in (1 is the average per bullrunning) in 9 of these runs. Dolores Aguirre is among the eleven bull-ranches with the highest number of gorings (11 from 53) and this bull-ranch is among the top seven when it comes to the number of injuries caused at a figure of 58. (7 from 53). Forgetting about averages, this bull-breed is fifth highest when it comes to the total number of gorings made (14). Santo Domingo and Estafeta Street are the two stretches which have suffered the most gorings from this bull-breed, with a figure of 4 for each stretch. This bull-breed is characterized by their large size and their proud bearing and they generally stay together in a close pack over the whole course. However, there have been occasions when one of them can get detached from the rest for whatever reason and this is where the dangerous moments are generally to be found.
The fastest ever running: 2´27” 8/7/2013. 21,4km/h
The slowest ever running: 4´58″ 11/7/1980 10,57 km/h
Average length of time: 3´36″ 14.58 km/h
Average number of gorings: 1
Average number of injury: 3,38 (37 de 53)
See the information about the last running of the bulls of Dolores Aguirre in Sanfermin.com 8/7/2013
Feria del Toro Trophy in 1995, 2009 and 2013.
Carriquiri Award
in 2011.

Goring of Torrestrella in Santo Domingo


The first Running of the Bulls with theTorrestrella bull-ranch was quite a clean running. There were some moments of tension and danger in the Santo Domingo stretch where one of the bulls charged at the runners. Some of the bulls fell at the corner of Estafeta and also on the final stretch leading into the bullring. Only five of the six bulls ran as one of them suffered an injury to its leg when the bulls were being brought up to the pens in Santo Domingo last night.
The bulls came out in a tight pack, but one of them was charging at runners from the first and it jabbed one runner with its horns on this stretch. The run lasted 2 min. 25 sec. While the three front bulls ran together over the whole course, two of them got separated and fell behind and created some danger for the runners.

Un herido en el encierro americano de Houston

This past weekend saw the celebration in Baytown, Houston (TX) of the third of the bullrunning series organized in The United States by The Great Bull Run.  The turnout of runners who participated in the runnings of the bulls on Saturday came to 3.500 runners and the outcome resulted in just one injured runner. Hugo Soto was taken off to hospital suffering from grazing after being knocked over by one of the Bulls. Soto is the first runner to suffer an injury in this series of American bullrunnings which have been taking place periodically since August 2013.


The next bullrunning will be held in Florida on the 8th of March and it will also include a Tomatina event.  A further ten bullrunnings are planned for the moment as the events are proving to be popular among the public. In Texas, the land of the Bulls, some fine running in front of the bulls could be appreciated amid a fun and festive ambience. And from here, we would extend a warm invitation to all of those runners to come to experience the original thing celebrated each year in July in Pamplona during the Sanfermin fiestas. You can catch the bullrunning at Baytown thanks to this video from chron.com

Anécdotas del encierro (I). El médico inglés que se negó a ser atendido

Today we open this series by remembering one of the commendable anecdotes that we ever heard about the Sanfermin Running of the Bulls. The most curious aspect of this anecdote is that it largely took place outside the course of the run. The event goes back to the 8th of July, 1977 when a pile-up occurred at the entrance to the bullring, in the passageway leading to the arena. Here, a young man by the name of Joaquín Esparza Sarasíbar lost his life and there were a lot of injured runners who suffered either from suffocation or from some gorings made by the trampling bulls. Among those runners who had received a goring there was an English doctor and anesthetist, Francis McGuinness, who received a goring of some 10 centimeters in the area of his groin.

It is not difficult to image the hubbub in the infirmary room within the bullring after the pile-up, and this is where the Englishman was also brought for treatment. The medical team under Dr. Armendáriz wished to give him immediate treatment as McGuinness was bleeding from his wound. However, he vehemently refused to be treated as he told the medical team that there were other runners in need of more immediate treatment than he was. Not only did he ignore his own wound, but, according to the Logos news agency, he even began to help in the treatment of other runners as he made use of his medical knowledge. Later on, he finally accepted to be treated by the medical team, although he was still insisting that “there were more urgent cases in need of treatment than him”, stated the Logos news agency. In the end, a total of some 100 runners were given treatment of one kind or another in the infirmary and the praiseworthy and humane attitude shown by Francis McGuinness on that eventful day is still remembered by many.


Danger Encierros 2013 (10/20)CORNEADO

Day: 12 July 2013

Author: Javier Ibáñez

This photo was taken just seconds before this loose bull from the El Pilar bull-ranch, gored the runner in yellow in his forearm.  The animal was alone in the stretch leading into the bullring and it tried to charge at several runners, until it caught this runner as he tried to coax the bull into the bullring. It was a brave thing to do, but the runner received two gorings to his arm in this dramatic running of the bulls which finished up with the first three gorings of Sanfermin 2013.

Gored and without running

The Australian girl  J.E., aged 23, who was gored by a Miura in the running of the bulls of the 14 was discharged from hospital on the 30th of July, after 16 days in hospital as a result of a wound to her right upper hemi-thorax, and with multiple  fractured ribs and involvement with the lower lobe of her right lung as diagnosed in the first medical report.

So how did she end up in hospital with one of the most serious gorings than can be remembered? Examining the available images we have reconstructed those three minutes that could have been tragic, and which, in the end, have just been a large scare that will be brought back to Australia to be long remembered.

The young girl in fact did not, properly speaking, attempt to run the Encierro, or at least it would seem that it was not her intention to do so. As can be seen in the video (from 20 seconds onwards), she was one of the first people to run up Estafeta Street once the police cordon had been removed.  Among the boos and jeers of the watching public, she runs alongside her friend just having a bit of fun. J.E. is the dark-haired girl with a pullover tied round her waist; her friend is the blond girl with the plaited hair.

After this short run, well away from the bulls, they decided to wait and watch events from beside the fencing on the right side of the stretch leading down into the bullring.  They were unfortunate enough to find that, on the day, almost all the bulls ran down that same side and very close to the fencing – something which is not very frequent. But it can happen.

At the last moment, J.E. tried to climb up on the fencing, but it was already too late. The bull gored her and two other bulls coming right behind, knocked her over. She was left stretched out on the ground until the animals all passed and the Red Cross could reach her to give her some first aid.

Afterwards it was a long spell in hospital, anguish and pain suffered by her blonde friend. Now finally, she can return home. No doubt, she now knows quite a good deal more of what exactly a running of the bulls is, how it should be properly run and where it should be watched if you really don’t want to run.

Fourth woman to be gored in the running of the bulls
Resume and photos Encierros 2013